More kitchen, and other stuff

How was your day?  Mine was pretty awesome.  :-)

My contractor came today! He drilled a hole in the ceiling so he could see if there's anything in those bulk heads, or if they can come down.

Kara thought it was awesome - I did too!

There he goes!  He says it's all clear.  Wahoo!  This is such great news.  HVAC would be just about impossible to move, water pipes would be expensive to move, and electrical would be cheap-ish to move.  Looks like a teeny bit of electrical is all!  This is such good news - can you tell by my exclamation marks?  :-)

Then he pulled the fridge out and oven out to check the wall to see if there's anything there - and there isn't - just a little bit of electrical!  More good news!  (P.S.  Not sure why those bulk heads would be there if there was no reason for them to be.  Must have been an 80s or early 90s thing - the house was built in 1991.)

Then we went to Ferguson's for a meeting with the cabinet guy - we talked design for a whole hour.  This was pretty much bliss.  :-)

I found the oven I want.  Whoa.  It's even prettier in person, but *ahem* a tad *ahem* pricey.  I don't need a fridge, right?  Or floors?  Or walls?  Or food for the next year?  I think I really need that oven.  It's so shiny and pretty.  Oh, sorry, it pulled me in.  :-)

I came home, floating on a cloud, to find this at the top of my stairs.

Then I peeked in further and found this.

And the home school room even had stuff in there. (That's a big no-no.  Home school room is serious business room - not a play room.)

So, what's a mommy to do who's blue in the face and SICK of talking about cleaning up?  I told her she must have way too much stuff for it to be such a mess and too hard to clean up, so I helped her out with that and cleaned for her - TAKING her stuff she may earn back.

Mommy does good work.

She "babysat" tonight (watched over her friend's little brother at Bible study tonight since he was nervous while actual adults watched all the kids including her), so she got her purse and scissors back.  There's 3 boxes full of stuff.  Remember the rule?  If she doesn't earn it all back in 1 week, she must not have needed it that badly and it's getting trashed/donated.  S-i-c-k of it.


Bible study was great - first meeting tonight.  It's a couples class, but my antisocial hubby doesn't want to go.  My friend said, "can't you just make Michael go?"  I laughed and said, "nobody makes Michael do anything!"  Am I right, Vicky??  Lol!  So, I went alone and he stayed home.  We're both happy.....ish.  ;-)  I sat next to 2 great friends, Kim and Stephanie.  I've been hanging out with them a lot lately.  Kim is a very intelligent, sarcastic (which happens to be one of my favorite sense-of-humors) woman who was my coupon mentor.  And Stephanie is the biggest sweetheart on the planet who's quickly becoming a sister/best friend.

So, what else happened today?

We ended up skipping school today.  We spent 30 minutes on speed drills and a math test, but then the contractor arrived and we put it on the back burner.  Tomorrow we're going to try bringing worksheets with us while we go somewhere.  Let's see how that turns out!

P.S.  Here's the pictures you missed the other day from school - we introduced geography - Kara loves it.  Not sure if it's because I have always loved it and teach it with such love and adoration and excitement, or if it's yet another way she's just like her mother.

Kara, where do you live?

 Where does Mamaw live?

I told her it was hard for me to draw a thermometer and have her tell me the temperature.  She said, you tell me the temperature to draw and I'll do it!  Well, I guess that works too, so here she is.

Here we are using counters for math.  She totally doesn't need this, but it gets her down from her boring desk.  She completely understands any and everything about math before I finish explaining it.  She may have a hard time getting it on paper or explaining why that's the answer, but her brain rushes to answer it before I finish asking it.  Amazing.  I better start saving now - I hear M.I.T. is expensive.  ;-)

Whew!  Sorry, this was a long one.  I hope you all had a great Thursday!


Elisabeth said…
Karas room looked about like Hannah and Ryan's does most of the time! I might have to try that "move it or loose it" punishment. Brad says they wouldn't have anything if I did that. True, but maybe they would learn...
jessicaday said…
I can't decide if this is the right way to go or if I shouldn't care and just tell her to keep her door closed. I guess I'll try both and see which works better!
Elisabeth said…
Well, here's my experience. The kids "clean" their room several times a week (remember, they share a room now, which means so does their stuff). By the end of the day it is trashed again. But they never clean it the way I would clean it (actually sorting things and putting them in their designated area). They like to throw everything in the toybox or the hamper. No matter what, I feel like I am always after them to clean their room, or their bathroom. So, I think my kids need a good reality check about cleaning up. But I also think it can be taken too far. What is taking it too far? I think it varies from family to family. I don't want them to only remember cleaning up all the time when they are older. But it would be a nice trait for them to learn and be consistant with when they are older.
jessicaday said…
I agree with you, Elisabeth. And it sounds like you're still finding your happy medium in your family too! lol!
I talked with Kara about it later when I wasn't upset and asked her what the problem is. I asked her if we took a bunch of stuff out of her room would it be easier to clean (since there would be so much less in there)? She said yes, so we're going to work together tomorrow to move stuff out of there.
Vicky said…
Yes, Michael is like his dad....once the mind is made up, there is no budging them!

Saturday was our day for cleaning rooms when the kids were growing up. It never took Michael very long because he was the neatest one of the kids (poor guy had to share a room with Nat!). They were allowed to begin playing/going outside when I inspected the room and gave the OK!

During the week, since the drive to Christian school was almost an hour one way, I didn't harp too much on things being out of place. By the time homework was done and supper eaten and dishes done and baths for bed by 9, there wasn't much time for them to make too big of a mess!