a few things

First, I wanted to post a picture of the look I'm going for in my kitchen:

I would LOVE this kitchen!

Okay, okay.  My house doesn't look like this, but the marble-looking countertops, white cabinets along the outside, dark cabinets in the island, crystal chandeliers, yep, that's my look.  But, my floors will be darker - cherry hardwood.  And the island will have the same marble-looking countertops.  All appliances will be stainless steel.

Another thing, I really like the advice I was given about cleaning up.  I wanted to know how other moms do it and appreciate the input - thanks ladies!  :-)  I went through Kara's room and cleaned out TONS of clutter (I thought I did this already - she has lots of stuff).  Kara and I are hoping not having so much junk in there she doesn't play with won't make the bit she does play with look like such a big mess.  AND there are lots of open shelves available for quick clean up.  I like the idea Vicky said about doing a big clean up on the weekends and daily cleanups can be smaller.  (And that goes along with what Liz was saying about making sure the lesson of cleaning up was in there without being a nazi about it.)  If she's like her Uncle Nat (or her Aunt Christina), Saturdays will be a big chore day.  But if she's like either of her parents, she'll see it's far more logical to clean as you go, so you can play right away.  (P.S.  I think my logical kid gets this.  I think she's holding out because she thinks I should clean it up for her.)

I was going to use this time while Kara is at my parents' house (I can count on every Sunday being free time to get stuff done without Kara - aren't Grandparents great?) to pack up quite a lot of the first floor, BUT Michael suggested we do meal and a movie date.  We went out to lunch (like we do most Sundays), then rented a movie - Snow White and the Huntsman.  Hanging out with him is just the best.  Work has been crazy - sometimes I feel like I only see him on Sundays.  But, we're blessed with an amazing company and I'm blessed with a husband with a great work ethic.  Anyway, the movie was pretty good.  A little slow moving and a little weird.  But, I'm fine with weird and the effects were really cool.  Oh, and the similarities to the Disney version were neat.  Anyway, I got less done than I wanted, but isn't a good day when you had significant rest AND got a significant amount done?  I think that's what they call balance.  :-)  (By the way, cleaning Kara's room while she's NOT there was so much faster/efficient than it would have been if she was here.  She's turning into a pack rat, but doesn't miss it at all if she doesn't watch it get thrown away/donated.)

Throw in a great church service this morning, and that was my Sunday!  Tomorrow is Monday, which means getting up super early to count the tithe, then it's back to home school business.  I have a lot of fun things planned for this week.  I guess you'll have to check back later to see what we're up to.  :-D

May you have a blessed week!


Vicky said…
WOW! THAT kitchen is so beautiful.....and sooooooooooooo not me! :D

Love those counter tops, however!