School work notebook

Last week I put together the entire week's worth of school work into one binder, with neat, color coded tabs dividing each subject.  Each day has a lesson number, so Kara just needs to go through each subject and find the worksheets/assignments with that day's lesson number on it.  It worked REALLY well last week, so I refilled it this week.  Eventually I'd like her to look ahead and realize that if she does extra work today, she'll have less tomorrow.  There's so many ways to apply that to her future life, and she has been doing a bit extra on her own, which is exciting.  But, I digress.  In front of her binder, I have a worksheet with all the charts from school that she needs, and in the very front, I have words of encouragement in case she feels overwhelmed or frustrated.  (This binder goes with her to Grandma's house or wherever we're going so we can do school wherever we want to.  Anyway, I may not be there to give her those words of encouragement, but she can read them.)

This morning I found a little note on the bottom of that page - can you read it?  It says "By Kara:  I love you too!"  :-)  Well, that MADE my day!  Here's your reminder to tell someone you love them today - it'll make their day.  :-)
