New/Old Friends

School this morning went really well.  Kara got a 99 on her Phonics test.  Then we did some science.  Reading from the textbook was super boring, so I made this up last night.

While I went over short bullet points, she taped the pictures on.  It's not fancy or creative, but it was better than a textbook (and we have loads of file folders laying around).

We did some spelling words:  fill in the missing letter.

Ever since I posted "b" looks at "d", which I got from a teacher's blog that I read daily, (and then I did "p" looks at "q"), the jailhouse filled with backwards letters has been empty.  Of course, it's only been a whole two days!

For music today we sang Jesus loves me.  Yes, she knows the words, but I wrote them up for her anyway.  Again, she brought her guitar in and "played" while we sang.  :-)

Then, today was finally the day.  We met our homeschool group of friends.  What a pretty day it was!

 It was hot though.  Kara had eyes only for her little friend Braxton that she already knew.  They took off together and we didn't talk to them again until it was time to leave.  When Braxton left, Kara had no desire to stay, and I was already a melted puddle, so we left too.  I'm looking forward to them hanging out more in the future!

It's fend for yourself for dinner night, and Michael took Kara out for ice cream, so I'm hanging out alone!
