Good Day, 9/12

I had a slumber party with Kara in her room last night (every time I do, I feel better and better about investing in a high quality trundle bed).  :-)  It took a while to wake up and get breakfast and get ready to start school, but that's cool because I knew we had a long day ahead of us.  You see, we skipped school yesterday, so I wanted to try to see what it was like doing 2 days worth of school in one day.  (I still have a lot of extra days on my hands since we started so early, but I thought it was worth a try.)  I decided to pull her up to my desk to keep her focused and we worked with pretty markers all day and a few worksheets she dictated the answers to me and I wrote for her.

Here we are doing our Bible lesson - when Abraham's servant is sent to find a wife for Isaac.  We learned how he asked God for help and was led to exactly the right person for him - Rebekah.  They fell in love instantly, her story said.  :-)  I drew my super-fancy stick figures (don't be jealous of my skills) while telling the story so she'd have a visual to go along with it.  (The first three weeks I made a semi-high quality video, but now in the 5th week, it's on construction paper.)  :-)

 It worked out well because after we were done and I was asking her questions, she got to color the page.  This was the coolest thing ever to her.  :-)

We did lots and lots of phonics.  To make it more interesting/colorful, I used the backs of old dry erase boards that teach how to write letters.  This was about the coolest present Lara ever gave Kara - we got a lot of use out of them....and we still are!!  Also, I couldn't hold her book open well enough, so you can see it propped up in my cookbook stand (which my mom bought for me one year).  Good use of materials, if you ask me!

Here she is putting stars on the numbers, like I told you about in my last post.  That turned out to be a hit!  I'm actually surprised - especially since this was something I came up with myself - and I really didn't have a lot of confidence in those abilities.

She did a good job!  They're displayed prettily in our room now.  :-)

The pictures stopped after that.  We did loads of spelling too, then took a long lunch break.  I don't mind the longer breaks today because.....well.....I'm reading a new book.  Lol!  It's hard for me to get anything done when I'm lost in another world in a book.  I can't pull myself out of it!  Part of me thinks it's better to get it all over with at once because my mind is always there anyway, but since I borrowed it from a friend, I wanted to start it right away so I could get it back to her.  :-)  It's the third Hunger Games book.  I liked the first and second one, and was told the third one wasn't very good.  Maybe it was the low expectations, or maybe I'm just weird, but less than 24 hours later I'm 200 pages in and it's my favorite book so far.  AND that's with having a slumber party with Kara, making meals all day, including a nice dinner, and teaching 2 days of school.  Lol!!!

Anyway, after our lunch break, we did lots and lots of math.  She is just doing so well.  I'm so proud of her.  Tomorrow is a math test.  Then we did some cursive (we had a test) and wrote a story.  Oh!  And she did a lot of reading aloud.

Are you tired just reading about it?  :-)  We didn't finish school until 4, but I think it went really well and I'm proud of her for putting so much effort in today.  Next week I plan to put the whole week's worth of worksheets in a binder and tell her we can do whatever she wants (with limits, of course) at her pace - we just have to be done by Friday.  Hmmm....I think she/we can do it.  It may be a good lesson in responsibility, or it may be horrendous - like seatwork.  Either way, I'll be checking in with you!

I was supposed to workout with a friend, but her husband had to work late, so skipping makeup and wearing workout clothes/pjs was all for nothing - or was it?  I was super comfy all day.  :-)

Windows are open - for the 3rd day/night in a row - and now it's time for me to get back to Katniss!  See ya!


Vicky said…
OK, now you need to tell me what the names of the 2nd and 3rd Hunger Games books are!