Crazy day, but good

3:30am - woke up with a stomachache.  Again.  Less than a week since I did last time.  I ate probiotic yogurt later today to start a regiment, hopefully it helps.

7:00am - alarm goes off - I am counting the tithe today (Tuesday) since Monday was a holiday.

7:30am - stomach is finally settled and I can function.  Time to rush through makeup - no breakfast and no attention will be spent on my hair.

7:50am - I'm running late and waking up Kara.  She's on the verge of tears - she likes mornings about as much as her mother does.

8:14am - arrive at church ready to count the tithe.  It is so awesome, as usual.  Thank you God for giving me the gifts you knew I'd need for a job I love.  Kara is an angel - I can bring her anywhere.  Love that girl.

10:14am - I'm done exactly two hours later and rushing to go to the dump (to get rid of a bunch of things I don't need/want in the garage anymore).  Of course, I have to separate the plastic, metal, paint, batteries, oil, containers the oil was in, etc.  And of course it's about 90 degrees with a thousand percent humidity.  Is it still August?

Next is the library to return something, then home by 10:52.  One friend and her little girl just pulled up (last minute plans that came together an hour ago).  Kara runs off with the little girl, not to be seen again until lunch time.  :-)  I get one-on-one time with the mommy, everyone is happy.

11:30am - my sister arrives with chick fil a for lunch.  It's our Tuesday tradition - she has to be at my house Tuesday afternoon for their weekly company meeting, so she comes for lunch and works at my house until the meeting starts.  She's friends with Stephanie, who's already here, so it works out great!

12:30 - Stephanie and her little girl leave.  For some reason my phone has been beeping all day - texting like crazy.  While I'm doing that, my contractor comes over for a few minutes to speedily fix a few things and make himself a list of a few more things he needs to look into.  We talk about the new kitchen for a few minutes.  (The hour long conversation was via phone last week.)

12:50 - Contractor is gone, and my sister and I are reading/drooling over my kitchen magazines and my plans for what is to come s-o-o-n.

1:15ish - Kara and I start home school for the day.  Afternoon school - ah!  I thought I said this never works.  Okay, let's just commit to a half a day and see how it goes.  We do seatwork right along with classwork and we breeze through all subjects except her two favorite (math and arts/crafts - but math is her favorite).

3:00 - we take our break after doing Bible, Writing, Morning Reading, Phonics, Spelling, Poetry, Afternoon Reading, and 3-4 extra worksheets from seatwork.  (She had an oral reading test today - which she got an A+ on, and a writing test - another A+.)  Creative writing was awesome.  Right now we are doing - she writes a sentence, I write a sentence, she writes a sentence, I write a sentence.  We'll see how our story ends up.  Kara wrote the title and first sentence - it's called - Three Snails Get Lost in the Woods.  :-)  Anyway, it's break time and Kara's literally running laps around the house like she's been sitting still on an airplane for 8 hours straight.  She runs back and forth and times herself to see if she can go faster.

3:30 - Kara has to eat dinner already because she's too hungry.  Must be a growth spurt, my kid doesn't usually eat much.

3:45 - Mom arrives with dinner in a big dish that we slow cook in the oven and we head upstairs to finish school.  (With only our two favorite subjects left, surely we don't have to stop now!)

4:00 - Meeting starts downstairs as we work.  Our craft for today was making an alligator with green construction paper.  When I learned "greater than, less than" in math, I was taught the hungry alligator likes to eat the biggest number.  I got it instantly and it always stuck.  To this day, when I see a greater than sign or a less than sign, I see an alligator's mouth.  So, we used our alligators in math today while I talked about that.  She got it instantly!

5:12 - Whew!  Done with school.  Kara had lots and lots of math to do when she does all her math seatwork during/after her math lesson.  BUT, we were done with school and she didn't have to do any worksheets by herself.  She zipped through them all when we were talking about each subject.  This is niiiiiiice.  :-)

5:30 - Just started a load of laundry, meeting is done, and dinner is ready.  Mom made some delicious beef with tomato sauce and we put it on fresh hoagie rolls with mozzarella cheese.  Whoa.  Yum.  We had the best conversation ever - hung on every word my Dad said.  (FYI:  He's reading this.)  ;-)

6:30 - Time to clean up dinner and for everyone to head home.  Mom helps with the dishes because she can't just relax, and because her love language is acts of service.  Christina takes Kara to her friend's house to do a workout while her friend's kids play with Kara.  This has become a tradition.  :-)

6:45 - finished cleaning up after dinner, vacuumed out my car, moved Michael's car back in the garage, switched the laundry, and got on the computer.  Answered emails and got started on my blog!

7:45 - right now, will be signing off soon.  Still on the list of things to do today:

Finish both loads of laundry, start a third.
Bathe Kara.
Prepare for tomorrow's school lesson.
Watch a tv show (I think Switched At Birth finally started their new season and is waiting for me on my DVR.)

Happy Tuesday!  :-)
