Target 9/16/12

It's been a long time since I went coupon shopping!!  I definitely miss it, but we've been focused on school, so it's worth it.  Well, I did some HUGE shopping today.  I need two pictures for all of this!

Wow.  Here's the totals:
Original cost:  $404.49
I paid:  $223.06
I saved:  $191.73, or 46%

I bought a TON of school supplies and backpacks.  They were 30% off, 50% off, and 70% off.  My idea is, of course Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, and next year's donations.  I am so blessed to have the time and money to stock up on $0.15 notebooks to donate so kids won't have to buy them at $1.00 or more next year.

Kara needed feety pjs for this winter.  They're hard to find, and expensive, but worth it.  She lives in those during the winter, and with home school this year, I envision her wearing them 24/7!

Now for the details:

Used 33 coupons total - Target coupons and Manufacturer's coupons


Elisabeth said…
I might just go to Target while Im out tomorrow.
jessicaday said…
Lol - good idea! I did have a lot of good coupon matchups, but most of it was school supplies on sale. And backpacks. Those vitamins were an amazing deal - but I had lots of coupons. Anyway, enjoy Target and tell me how much you saved!
Elisabeth said…
I never made it to Target. Maybe next trip to the mall ill be able to squeeze it in.