The wall is gone!!

It's been a very good, very busy couple of days!  My contractor called me around 9:30 Monday morning and asked if it was okay if he took the wall down that day.  Um, YES!  My answer is YES!  He was here all day Monday and Tuesday working on taking the wall down and getting all the electrical stuff organized.  Okay, enough talking, how about some pictures!

Before:  One last look of my kitchen the way it was, and never will be again.  ;-)

There's my kitchen - in his truck.  :-)

After:  Let there be light!!


Of course this is just my current kitchen with the wall down - the tall fridge will be relocated so it won't block the light.  Here's a picture from the dining room into the current kitchen:

Of course we'll have a whole new pretty countertop and you won't see the backs of things.

I can't believe this is really happening - someone pinch me!!

(Side note:  I had two separate people tell me on facebook that they were jealous of my new kitchen.  I am nervous keeping everyone up with the project is coming across as bragging.  That is definitely not my intent, so I'll be posting updates on my blog only and if anyone asks specifically to see what's going on, I'll direct them here.)


Elisabeth said…
I am jealous but so happy for you and I def want to see the updates! It looks so different already.
jessicaday said…
Thank you so much Elisabeth! It means a lot to me to be ale to gleefully share it freely. :)
Elisabeth said…
And it doesn't look like he left one speck of dirt behind!
jessicaday said…
I'm glad you noticed that! He puts everything back in perfect working order, sweeps, vacuums, etc. before he leaves. I LOVE it. :-)