Conversations with a 6 year old

One funny conversation I had with Kara was over text (she was on my mom's phone, in blue, and I am on my phone, in white).

Then I told her there would be other 6 year olds in there, and she thought I said there would be 6 girls and boys.

"Ask MAX!  Of course...."   She cracked me up with that one.  And she can't seem to understand we're NOT doing pottery in this class.


Another funny conversation we had was at lunch:
Kara:  Were you and Daddy best friends when you were little?
Me:  No, actually we didn't know each other.  We lived in different states.  For a while I lived in a different country.  England.
Kara:  Did you have to learn English?
Me:  Uh.
Kara:  OH!  So THAT'S how you know Spanish!!

She's hilarious.

We had a fairly normal school day.  She did several worksheets at Grandma's house this morning, then we did the rest and had several lessons after a big grocery store run.  After english, math, spelling, Bible, etc, we did a lesson on the American flag and what it means to be "free" in America.  Then we did a cool science lesson in the kitchen.  We're studying plants in science class these days, and I saw this idea on pinterest, other blogs, and library books.  We put food coloring in cups to see how the flowers' stems carry the water up to the petals.  I'll post pics of the new colorful flowers.  :-)


Elisabeth said…
I really did LOL at the last conversation about English. Sounds like something Hannah would say!