Harris Teeter 3-3-12

I've been dying to get these deals at Harris Teeter this week and today was the day I got to go.  Kara was off having a Daddy day, so the day was mine.  It started out gloomy, damp, and rainy, but soon turned into a warm, sunny day - perfect for errands!

Harris Teeter had good deals on marshmallow fluff, orange juice, dr. pepper, eggs, chips and cake mix.  Yes, it's not super healthy, but I actually needed everything on my list this week - it wasn't just for the stockpile.  Here's how I got $63 worth of groceries for $24.  :-)

4 Cheetos, 2 Fritos - $3.49 each
On sale B1G1 for $1.75 each
 - $1.50 coupons
Makes them $1.25 each

2 Blue Diamond Almonds - $3.35 each
On sale B1G1 for $1.67 each
 - $1.00 coupons
Makes it $0.67 each

2 Marshmallow Fluff - $1.99 each
On sale B1G1 for $0.99 each

2 Duncan Hines Cake mix - $1.79 each
On sale for $1.27 each
 - $0.35 coupons
Makes it $0.57 each

2 Tropicana Orange Juice - $3.65 each
On sale for $2.47
 - $1.00 coupon
Makes them $1.97 each

2 dozen eggs - $2.69 each
On sale for $0.97 each

2 Dr. Pepper 12 pks - $6.59 each
On sale for $1.97

coffee creamer - $2.35
(I paid full price!)

Original price:  $63.25
I paid:  $24.36
I saved:  $39.29
I saved:  62%

Once again, pretty high original prices, but a really great sale prices.  Oj, soda, chips - I'm not sure I've ever seen them this cheap.  :-)


Elisabeth said…
Your regular prices seem to be higher than our regular prices but you got some good deals!
jessicaday said…
Yeah, it's pretty expensive living out here. I'm glad I'm paying closer attention to prices, sales, and coupons. I've been wasting money for so long now!
Thanks for the compliment, the deals were pretty great!