Target and Aldi deals 3-14-12

This week is a stock up week for tide and toilet paper.  I got tide at Target and toilet paper will be from CVS, where I'll go later this week.  (By the way, this shopping trip just reaffirmed my decision to never buy tide again for myself - it's way too expensive!  But, I have a customer who will use nothing but tide and is willing to pay me (full price) for it, so I'll buy it for her.)

I got all of this from Target for $80.  If you ask me, that's pretty awesome!  Here's how I did it:

3 Dr. Peppers - reg price $5.29
(they accidentally charged me for 3, even though I only got two - oops)
On sale for $2.75 each
Saved $7.62

2 10pk hangers - reg price $1.99, I think
On sale for $1.00 each

2 boxes gogurt - reg price $2.44
On sale for $2.00
Target coupon - $0.75 off 2
Manufacturer's coupon - $0.75 off 2
 Paid $1.25 each

2 Glad bags 120bags - reg price $13.79
On sale for $12.00
Target $5.00 gift card when you buy 2
Makes them $9.50 each

4 Tide 100oz - reg price $13.79, I think
On sale for $12.00
Used 4 Manufacturer's coupons - $1.00 off
Target $5.00 gift card when you buy 2, got 2
Makes them $8.50 each

4 Bertolli soup - reg price $6.49
On sale for $6.00
Used 2 Manufacturer's coupons - $1.75 off 2
Target $5.00 gift card when you buy 4
Makes them $3.87 each

Original total - $141.44
I paid - $80.95
I saved - $60.49, 43%

Then, I went to Aldi and got all of this for only $18.50!!  Those prices never cease to amaze me.

2 lbs carrots - $0.59
3 lbs gala apples - $2.79
5 lbs red potatoes - $1.79
gallon 2% milk - $2.89
gallon 2% milk - $2.89
butter - $1.99
8 oz cheddar cheese - $1.79
cheese doritos - $1.19
whole grain white bread - $1.29
whole grain white bread - $1.29

Total - $18.50
Amazing!  If I went to walmart and bought everything generic like Aldi, I would have spent $26.67.  So, I saved $8.17, or 31%

It's a good day, if you ask me.  Like I said, CVS is coming up later this week.  I know it's going to be a big haul, so I'm putting it off....
