New Bible Study

I started my new Bible study yesterday and already can't wait to blog about it.  It's a short, little book called Loving Your Husband by Cynthia Heald.  We're also doing the Husband Project, which I've done before and liked - basically do something nice (that specific nice thing is suggested by the author) each day for your husband without telling him.  For example, there's a whole day where you focus on how you greet him when he comes home from work.  Some men want you to listen to their days and be super attentive.  I know my husband wants me to greet him with a smile, a kiss, and then walk away.  He'll change his clothes and come downstairs when he's ready - 5 minutes later, or an hour later.  I have no problem giving him that time.

Anyway, the first day of reading and I found this quote:
"It is a foolish woman who expects her husband to be to her that what only Jesus Christ Himself can be:  always ready to forgive, totally understanding, unendingly patient, invariably tender and loving, unfailing in every area, anticipating every need, and making more than adequate provision.  Such expectations put a man under an impossible strain."  - Ruth Bell Graham  [And men should be careful not to put their wives in this position too!]

I learned this lesson fairly early in my marriage (probably in a Bible study).  I try to live this every day, but don't always succeed.  Our sweet men can't live up to perfection.  Isn't that what grace is for?  I praise God for my awesome husband who is my best friend and I'm having a blast sharing my life with, but I appreciate having my Savior in my life, who is MY EVERYTHING.


Elisabeth said…
Thanks for the reminder! It is easy to forget that our husbands aren't our everything and can't be.
Vicky said…
AH, Yes! A lesson well-learned in the beginning or before the marriage! We love them to pieces, but they can only be human, after all! Our Savior can give us the Divine love we need and long for! I think I would like to read your books after you are finished with the study! Unless you write notes in them that you don't want me to see, then I'll buy it! Sounds like it would be a good study to do with the ladies at church! Forget the for myself! :D