Weekly Spending 2/26 - 3/3

I'm trying a new thing - yes, I have a budget and always keep close watch on where every penny of our money goes - but I'm making that budget smaller.  I am saving a lot of money clipping coupons, but I'm trying to save even more.  With my glorious stockpile and tons of meat in the freezer, this is getting easier and easier.  So, my goal is to spend $100 a week on groceries, medicine, and toiletries, but I'd love to spend less.  All extra money will be going to my kitchen fund, which I should be able to install one year from now - talk about motivation!

I went to a bunch of different stores this week.  Remember, I'm a mom with a kid in full time kindergarten who loves to shop, so I shop, shop, shopped!  Here's how I did:

At CVS I bought ThermaCare heating wraps, toothpaste, gum, and prevacid.  I spent $1.50.  Here's a link with the details.  Here's a pic:

At ALDI I bought 2 pks mushrooms, gravy mix, taco mix, 80ct kitchen trash bags, roma tomatoes (6 pk), pop tarts (12 pk), generic oreos, steak seasoning, generic doritos, 2 loaves white bread.  I spent $15.02.  Here's a link with the details.

At the commissary, I got 8 cucumbers, 4 lbs carrots, 1 lb strawberries, 2 89 oz orange juice, 1/2 gallon milk.  I think I spent $17 - still don't know the total from my mom, who shopped for me.

At Safeway, I bought 4 boxes granola bars, 8 pks cookies, 6 boxes cereal.  I spent $22.30.  Here's a link with the details.

At Shoprite, I bought a pound of grapes - $0.99 a pound, works out to $1.00.

At Harris Teeter, I bought 2 Dr. Peppers, 2 59 oz orange juice, 6 chips, 2 dozen eggs, 2 boxes cake mix, 2 marshmallow fluffs, 2 almonds, coffee creamer.  I spent $24.36.  Here's a link with the details.  Here's a pic:

Total $81.18.  About $19 under goal!  Maybe my next week's goal should be $80, instead of $100.  Anyway, good week!

I was able to cook 4 days this week, provide for a funeral at church, and cook a LARGE lasagna meal for my whole family (complete with leftovers for Michael and Tony).
