Kara's school

I had such a great discussion with Kara's teacher today.  She is so accessible, which I LOVE.  I just emailed her and asked if I could come in and talk about what's next for Kara and what I should do over the summer for her.  She had several things ready for me and we talked about Kara's strengths and weaknesses.  She reminded me we are comparing Kara to herself, not where other kids are her age or whatever, which I love.  She needs a bit more work on comprehension - the best way to work with that is for me to read chapter books to her, or get cds of audio books from the library - basically, she should listen closely enough to the words, without looking at pictures, to get what's going on in the story and remember it later.  Also, we're going to do diagrams and outlines of the stories.  She's already really good at comprehension, for a 5 year old, but Kara's teacher wants her to be really, really good.  Sounds good to me!  I can definitely see how this will be a big deal for the rest of her life.

Also, the math we're going to work on is - why she came to the answer she did.  Kara's brain can do the hard part with the math, but she can't express how she got the answer - something she'll need to do the rest of her academic career.  So, we're starting a "math journal," where the teacher will give special homework in for her.  Tonight's assignment - make a list of all the places we use math.  Well, Kara's little face lit up because she LOVES lists.  I wonder where she gets that from.......?  ;-)  Next we're going to get assignments that are mostly word problems.  Also, she wants to give her word problems with extra information, to see if Kara can pick out the parts she needs.

Oh, and there will be a PACKET of stuff over the summer, so she told me not to worry about that.  :-)

I'm praising God for leading us to this school, and so encouraged to continue in public school next year, where the teacher tells me they'll work with Kara at her level and her pace, just like they did in kindergarten.

What a blessing teachers are.  Does anyone know anyone who's a teacher?  I'd love to do something nice for Kara's teacher at the end of the year, but I'm not sure what.  (I'm talking something bigger than a plant or card.)


Elisabeth said…
I just recently heard somewhere that teachers like gift cards to teacher stores because most of the extra stuff they have in their rooms is stuff they spend their own money on. Idk if that is true in MD but it's a thot. Also, you need to get on pinterest. There are always so many great ideas and um sure teacher gifts are no exception. Let me know if you want on there and I'll send you an invite. It is quicker than waiting on them