Quick Catch Up

What I've been up to:
 - started my new job as a coupon shopper for others - made a little bit of money, but had a blast doing it
 - spent the afternoon with my best friend - it's both of our 10th wedding anniversaries this year (we were both married in 2002), but our 15th friendship anniversary is next year - we're already thinking of some fun way to celebrate - maybe a trip....
 - church was awesome - great lesson on money and tithing
 - Sunday I quickly changed into pjs and did 3 large loads of laundry while I read my book - the Help
 - Monday I counted the tithe at church, and cleaned my house - boring stuff, but I really didn't sit down at all that day
 - today I was on the phone with the new cable/phone/internet company since things weren't set up quite right.  3 phone calls and several hours later, things are good and I gave myself the afternoon off.  Then I cooked dinner for my whole family, as I always do on Tuesdays, and cleaned it up
 - now I'm preparing for a full day of coupon shopping tomorrow - gonna stock up on a few great sales - laundry detergent and toilet paper, that sort of thing
 - looking forward to starting a new Bible study with some close friends tomorrow
 - didn't leave the house once during this beautiful 80 degree day - but I did open the windows!
