Two Years

Since today marks two years we have been living in Alabama, I compiled all my fun posts from Facebook that some of you haven't seen yet.  And I added a few more things I've learned at the very end.  :-)

Shorts in February!  I love days like
this.  It makes the summer worth it.

Thank goodness it does get cold

I discovered I love shooting.  I'm not
bad at it, for a beginner.

Sunrises over the lake are indescribable.

Things aren't as high tech.  The official county weather forecast on Facebook is just a screenshot of some dude's phone's weather app.  You can't pay local bills online - many people pay in person.  A lot of local places don't have a website.  All local places are closed Sunday.  Some are Monday too.  That may keep business away, but that isn't as high of a priority as making sure their employees spend Sunday at church and with their families.  Sundays the parking lots are empty everywhere, except the churches and boat ramps.

College football is the biggest deal ever and so much fun.

People rarely say, "have a nice day" when parting.  In Maryland, we said it in emails, at stores, on the phone, always.  Here they say "bye, y'all" or "have a blessed day."

People LOVE here so easily.  It's amazing.

People WELCOME here so easily.  It's humbling.

People LAUGH here so easily.  It's fun.

It feels good to be home, y'all.


Vicky said…
All I can say (or sing) is, "Sweet home, Alabama!" :D