
Kara lost another tooth - her 5th.  And she has 3 more that are loose.  While she looks darling, it's just a reminder of time passing.  I loved the baby years, the toddler years were so precious, and now we're into elementary years.  It's hard for me to remember that 6 years old is still little because most of the time Kara acts and talks so maturely.  But, my little girl is still little.  She will still be living here in my house for many more years, and I'm enjoying 6 so, so much.

Life with a 6 year old means cartoons, feety pjs, and tickle monsters.  It means deep, meaningful conversations and more and more questions I don't know the answer to.  It means she's still my baby and likes to cuddle with mommy.  It means long evenings of me reading chapter books aloud to her.  It means she is old enough to take care of me when I'm sick.  It means she's becoming my friend - I love shopping with her, traveling with her, and just hanging out on a movie night with her.

We're in a great place where she can be babied at times, but a big kid at times too.  It's a beautiful dichotomy that I hope continues as long as possible.  I hear these horror stories about teenagers and how they fight with their parents, don't speak to them, rebel, etc.  It's scary.  Right now, I'm enjoying living in the present with a 6 year old.


Kattrina said…
No need to worry about those teenage years until they come! You'll worry plenty then, so why start now... I worry about Evan and who he'll look up to and emulate. I look at the lack of good, quality male role models in the media and it scares me a little. So far I just have Obama - I don't know what he's like in real life but the media portrays him as a good father and husband and he always seems respectful, etc. I definitely don't want my son to look up to Tiger Woods or Petraeus - or to dress like Justin Bieber!