
Well, I've been staring at this page long enough to realize I don't have anything super interesting to say.  How about I just fill you in on our day?

I started the day super early today - counting the tithe like usual on Mondays, but today I was in charge since the head of the team was out of town this week.  I got there early so I could set up, only to find I was the last one there.  Once you turn 60, is it impossible to sleep past 5am?  What's the deal?  But, it was a great time, the numbers worked out, and we got a small amount done in a whole lot of time.  *sigh*

I was able to hang out with my mom and Kara for an hour over cinnamon rolls before we went to my friend's little boy's 2nd birthday party.  We were the only ones there, and it consisted of mac & cheese for lunch, cupcakes for dessert, 2 toy cars from me wrapped in Elmo paper, and play doh as a group for a few hours.  What else do you need when you're 2?  It was pretty much the best day of his life.  ;-)

My mom said Kara didn't sleep enough last night, which I knew would come back to bite me sometime today, and she had a pretty good breakdown at our friend's house.  Fortunately they love us unconditionally.  But, Kara tries so hard to be good all the time and sweet and doesn't stand up for herself enough.  When she is feeling emotional, it all comes flooding out and she just CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE.  Poor girl.  I wonder where she gets that from??  We MUST work on better ways to handle our emotions.  Stifling our true emotions is no good.  It may be a reason I'm currently in therapy.  At least she always feels better when she gets it all out, though.  On her way home from our friend's house she said, "I hate crying.  It makes me look younger than I am."

Then we headed home to do school, which I was so looking forward to (NOT) since she already was tired and had a crying jag, she was on the edge most of the school day.  She did really well during most of it, but got teary eyed several times during math (one of our favorite subjects, so I could tell she was just tired), then could not focus during her math test, the last thing of the day, so I said let's do it tomorrow!  I love tailoring our day to our feelings/emotions/schedules/whims.  :-)

She immediately went to play her favorite video game, which was theraputic for her and I chilled with some tv - Once Upon a Time from Sunday, 30 minute meals from earlier today, and an old rerun of Cougar Town.

Dinner was late and last minute, so Michael chose scrambled egg sandwiches for dinner.  Since I ate that the night I had my last stomach bug just a few weeks ago, I will be staying away from eggs for a very long time.  I made myself a grilled cheese.  Except I used pepper jack cheese.  And added turkey.  And added roasted red pepper mayo I had leftover from a restaurant.  It pretty much changed my life and will certainly be my lunch for tomorrow.  :-)  You're all invited to come over and have some.

Next was two days of Bible study since we're meeting tomorrow and I was a day behind, then staring at a blank page trying to figure out what to type here.  I sure said a lot for not having anything to say, didn't I?  It's kind of my specialty, just ask my husband.  ;-)

I hope you guys all had a great start to your week!


Elisabeth said…
Why is it we avoid the last food eaten before a stomach bug?! I still can't eat the cereal I ate before my stomach bug last Oct and I am still avoiding strawberries (which were also in my cereal that Im avoiding from last year) from my stomach bug two weeks ago.