
Okay, okay.  I have my answer.  I am supposed to phase out our curriculum and tailor this school stuff to Kara's brain.  Her poor emotional day carried on through the evening and she said she didn't like having to do so much drill work in math.  She said, "Mommy, why do I have to do so much adding and subtracting in school?  I've known how to add and subtract for a while now.  I'm six and a half.  Mommy, when something special comes into my brain, I hold onto it and don't forget it."  Since she has her father's brain, I trust she's absolutely correct.  IN FACT, that's the way my brain was too - especially with math.  There is SO MUCH drilling addition and subtraction in school - my mom used to let me use my calculator to do my homework because she knew I knew what I was doing and we had an insane amount of work to do - even as a little second grader.

ANYWAY, I will be lessening Kara's addition and subtracting, as well as starting to veer away from the Abeka curriculum.  I hate doing that because I'm such a list girl who follows the rules, I hate to have an empty worksheet out there.  Not to mention, it cost a fortune.  But, we'll continue using most of it, and this may actually be a nice transition for next year's school, which will be free of curriculum.

The bottom line is this:  Kara loves math and it comes easily to her.  Kara ADORES reading, especially from the Bible.  She loves learning new things.  She loves learning new words.  Science, history, and geography all fascinate her.

These are amazing gifts I have in this child of mine and I don't want to do anything to change it!

My friend (who is a 2nd grade teacher) says the teacher's main job is to make sure the kids always love to learn.  The rest will fall into place.  She's right!  Let's keep this fun, even if it means *gasp* we leave some things blank on the worksheets.

Side note:  My favorite sentence Kara said today was when I asked her why should we read the Bible:  "We read the Bible because it's important to educate people about God."  In her own mature words.  Love that girl.
