
Losing an hour of sleep and waking up super early left me not in the mood to deal with Kara's meltdown during school.  She is highly offended that she has to do addition and subtraction so much on our worksheets.  She understands it and doesn't think she should have to do so many worksheets.  You know what?  I agree!  My mom let me use my calculator for homework when I was little because I got it too and the drills are way overloaded, if you ask me.  So, today I said, "you just watch while I do the adding and subtracting," thinking it would be review and that would make her happy...............

My darling girl..........wasn't............happy.

School was awful, she cried forever, or about 30 minutes, not sure how long it actually was, and we didn't even finish the last two subjects (aka two of the more important ones).  She was completely irrational, every explanation I gave her led to more sobbing, and there was nothing I could do with my crumpled mess of a 6 year old.  I let her cry it out (something I'm trying to teach her is entirely appropriate - I do not believe in bottling up your feelings).  I let her discuss everything she was upset about with me (something I'm trying to get her in the habit of doing - I believe teenagers who confide in their parents learned it young).  Then I ended up covering the addition and subtraction on this week's worksheets with stickers so she can't even see them.

And I feel a pimple coming on my chin.


Just wanted you to know not every day is bliss in school.  Kara is human, I am human, and tomorrow we're doing a "do over."

Praise God for his mercy and grace and the gift of starting over every day!!
