
Now that Kara is in kindergarten full time and I know I'm not going back to work, I'm wondering what I'm going to do with my days.  So far it's been something keeping me busy (errands, sister needs help with one thing or another, usual things at church, and my new hobby, couponing).  Not to mention my house is pretty spotless.  But, what am I going to do with the time I STILL have leftover?  I always thought I'd volunteer even more in church (which I still might do), but volunteering at school with Kara sounds pretty fun too.
This morning I helped out in Kara's class.  They were starting something fairly new and needed a few moms around for help keeping the kids in the groups they were supposed to be in.  Basically they divided the class in three groups, and they all spent 20 minutes or so at a station.  The bell would ring, and they'd all switch stations.  There were 3 stations in all, but the teacher needed extra mommies to help the kids go where they need to be.  Some kids are super mature and are on the ball and have no trouble getting to where they're supposed to go.  Some kids still don't like school and complain they don't like to read and want to go home.  Some kids are mean and steal toys from other kids.  Some kids are really immature and remind me of Kara at a two year old level - needing lots of help and praise and are super delicate emotionally (before you say it, the kid like that in my group was a boy, so not just girls are overly emotional).  It went pretty well.  The bratty kid bothered me, and the sensitive kid was instantly my buddy.  It was neat seeing Kara in her group and she was really having fun.  She would whisper and point to her little friend and say, "this is who I was telling you about".  :-)  A bunch of the little girls gave me a hug and one (who happens to be Kara's best friend) even said, "I think you look pretty."  When Kara came home from school she said she loved having me there.  As sweet and good as that sounds, I don't think I want to do it again.  Lol!  I'm just not a kid person and helping the teachers make copies and laminate posters and things like that sound like more fun to me.  Not to mention helping out in the media center.  Being surrounded by books and being able to organize them while I'm at it?  Ah, heaven.
So this afternoon I attended the volunteer orientation and it sounds like they need all the help they can get and would love for me to do whatever I wanted to do.  That's the beauty of volunteering.  You do what you want to do.
I am looking forward to being in the school and hearing what's going on and being well known by the teachers.  That way I stay connected to the place Kara spends her days and the place that will mold her little educational life.
I guess this is the next phase in my life!  And it is GOOD.  :-D


Vicky said…
Well, I'm glad for you! Sounds like you've found the perfect little niche to put those organizational skills to work while loving it at the same time!