Two More

I know money is one of those taboo subjects, but I've never really had a problem talking about it.  I hope I'm not making anyone uncomfortable - that's not my intention.
You know my new hobby is clipping coupons, not because we're struggling, but now that Kara is back in school, I needed a new hobby.  This is one that actually earns you money, so it's fun for now.  I still am buying more than I need because the deals are good, but I don't have a crazy stockpile like those maniacs on that Extreme Couponing show.  Before I get to that point I will be donating a lot of stuff.  You saw my 92% savings yesterday, and I saved a bunch at Safeway and Shoprite again today.  (I just bought a few things at each place - things and brands that I always use/need and was getting low on in my pantry.)  Now that my pantry is on the full side, thanks to coupon shopping, I plan to change my tactics a bit.  Instead of highest percentage of savings, I'm going to try for smallest possible amount spent each week (while using coupons, of course).  Since my pantry is full, the first few weeks are going to be pretty easy.
How low do you think I can go?  How much do you guys spend on groceries a week?  Do you think you can beat me - anyone want to join me in the "game"?  You might be able to beat me because I buy two half gallons of organic milk every week and that is a bit pricey......  :-)


Elisabeth said…
I usually don't get out of walmart under $100 every week unless I do "clean out the freezer and pantry" week and don't really have to buy much. The game sounds fun but you are so far ahead of me and I just can't seem to get into it right now. But I still love reading about all your savings and I hope someone takes you up on the game offer so I can read about it! =)
Kattrina said…
I spend about $100-$130 a week on groceries and it is just me and the husband. I would definitely lose in the game because I hardly buy any processed foods. I tend to make things from scratch (except for obvious things like pasta, cheese, cereal, Ivan's I'm-gonna-die-if-you-don't-buy-chips); therefore, there aren't many coupons for the stuff I buy. I can't make it out of the produce section without spending $30 or more and then by the time I add things like Ezekiel bread, salmon, shrimp, and natural peanut butter I'm over $100. That's also not including the money we spend on dairy and meats from the farm. Boo. Yeah, I spend a lot of money on food. But then again, I plan on living with this body for a long time so I guess the investment is worth it. At least that's how I comfort myself when I hand over half of my paycheck to Giant! I also don't get a newspaper and I always forget the five coupons I actually have.
Anonymous said…
There is no way I am a match for you! I am not a match for ANYONE in the coupon department! I actually hate it and I commend those who do well at it, because I just don't have it in me. I would rather pay a litte more. And I too have a bit of the same problem as your friend Kattrina. I don't buy a lot of boxed stuff. It's bad for Kayla's diet, so I try to do as much unboxed, unprocessed, unbreaded stuff as possible. The coupons make me feel like I need to buy stuff I don't even use. I tried to keep from doing that and then I'm only using a handful of coupons. I buy a ton of generic stuff too. It's just not working for me, but YOU GO GIRL! I'll keep reading about your amazing trips though!
Vicky said…
I'm kinda where Stephanie is.....and I really could benefit from couponing with our limited income. BUT, I spent so many years doing it out of NECESSITY when the kids were little that I just don't have it in me to do it at this point! If I ever need another "hobby" maybe I'll consider it! Just keep honing those skills so that when the time comes you will be able to help me! :D