Best Trip yet - love triple coupons at Harris Teeter

Okay, I stopped posting every trip, but this one deserves attention. Harris Teeter is tripling coupons this week and I got some amazing sales. While this won't feed my family for a week, it will go along with other stuff already in my fridge/freezer/pantry.

I spent $2.56
I saved $29.25
That's 92% savings. My best yet!

** Side note: My pita chips didn't ring up right, so I went to customer service and not only did they give them to me at the price I said was on the internet (without double checking), but they reimbursed me cash for the difference AND gave me one for free for my trouble. Now that's good customer service! (And that is included in my totals.)


Madamommy said…
WOW!!!! I've never gotten that high! AWESOME!!!