School Update

Because of the hurricane, Kara's school was canceled several days last week. So, she's only been to school two days. The first day only a third of her class was there (which they do on purpose so the teacher can really get to know the kids) and the second day everyone was there. She went on the bus both days like she's been riding the bus her whole life. There are A LOT of precautions to make riding the bus safe for the little ones. It's pretty impossible for a kid to get on the wrong bus or get off at the wrong stop. Her bus driver is the SWEETEST lady too. So, she loves the bus.

She brought lunch the first day because they weren't serving anything she liked. She didn't eat much because she was playing with her little friends. I'm not surprised! The second day they were serving pizza, so she bought lunch. She figured it out and told me she ate the whole pizza, but not much of the carrots. I'm not surprised about that either. :-)

She loves recess and has a few friends already. She plays with some during recess and some during the inside play time.

She said only ONE other kid went to preschool last year (which shocks me!), so this year is probably going to be a review for her. She's bored already, which is disappointing. I was going to consider testing her for going onto first grade, but she's already the youngest in the class and isn't ready to sit at a desk all day. I told her first grade doesn't play except at recess and you have to sit at a desk and work all day and she said she's going to love kindergarten while she's there and isn't looking forward to first grade. A lot can change in a year though. :-)

Her teacher is really sweet and LOVES being a kindergarten teacher. That means a lot to me as a mom. She says the kids she teaches become like her kids and she loves and protects them very much. She's silly and fun and I really like her. In kindergarten they still really like to have parents come in and volunteer. Usually Kara is barely holding it together and having me in class would make it worse, so I've never been able to be in any class with her - preschool or Sunday school. But this year she said she would be fine with me being there, so I may do that! I admit I'm not a kid person, but the teacher needs an extra set of hands and could use help with things like filing and grading, and that sounds right up my alley. Especially if I can hang out in the room and see how Kara acts and what her day is like.

She never cried, she never felt nervous, and she loves it. Therefore, I never cried! If my baby is happy, I'm happy. :-) We're looking forward to tomorrow!
