Thinking about my girl....

Now that school is in full swing, we're all settling into the new schedules and what life is like. It's definitely different! Kara loves school and has little friends, one in particular that she loves. But daily she complains that she already knows what they're teaching and the learning part is boring. I took a look at the curriculum for this year and was disappointed to see there are only one or two new things she'll learn this year. I know there are a lot of social aspects to kindergarten that are very important and that will keep her learning, but hearing her complain about being bored is setting off red flags. I am sure she doesn't know EVERYTHING they're teaching, but I'm hearing her say she's wanting more. I spent a few days in prayer (which felt like a long time, but now that I'm typing this, maybe I should pray longer), to see if maybe I should see if she should skip up to first grade, but I really felt like that answer was 'no' since Kara is one of the youngest in her class and socially she's just not ready to sit at a desk all day. My parents said my school wanted to have me skip first grade, but they kept me in with my peers for social reasons too. But I do remember being bored a lot in elementary school and middle school especially. (In high school they start splitting up classes according to the pace the kids learn.) I remember doing all my classwork at school and while the other kids were asking questions about what I already understood, I would finish my homework too. After talking to Michael about that, he said he did the same thing growing up. Fortunately, he spent quite some time in an advanced private school that could really keep up with him and challenge him (and therefore college and, frankly, his career have been easier for him). I'm hoping to find some of that for Kara. I know this is just the beginning of the school year and a lot is review, but seeing what they plan to learn by the end of the year I could teach her in about 2 weeks. I am looking into a gifted and talented program that will work with her, but I'm not sure that's the best thing. I even have had fleeting thoughts about home school, something I've known for a long time I'm not right for. I guess I'm just asking for you to pray for me that God would reveal the best way to educate my sweet girl. I really felt led to that public school, and I'm happy with that decision, but what now?
While I've been in prayer about this, I felt a little nudge that she needs more when today when she was bored at a birthday party, she asked to text my mom and wrote this: "my gerbil is dooin gud". Mind you, she never learned to spell, write, type, or read in school. She has been starting to learn to read over the summer (only because she asked me to teach her), but she's never written before. This just amazed me that she did that on her own - sat down and typed out a whole sentence in a short time. I just felt like it was further confirmation that I'm supposed to be doing something to help her be challenged more. I just want what's best for her and that beautiful brain of hers.


Elisabeth said…
I will be praying for you and Kara. Never take that amazing brain of hers for granted!! Also, remember that girls mature so much faster than boys so she might be more ready for sitting all day than you think. But also, as her mother, you know best!
jessicaday said…
Thank you, Liz. That means a lot to me. :-)
Madamommy said…
Megan is very advanced... she also knew everything lined out, but I was surprised to see how much more she actually did learn. She was actually to b tested for gifted this year as well. I say that bc I understand where u are coming from. The first few weeks they have to do a review and its prob. Easy for her but they have to see where the kids are at. Means teacher put them in groups for things and she was in the advanced group... the kids didnt know though. Give it a few weeks and see what happens and how the teacher works. I would sit in to see also. Alli is also like this. She just started pre-k and is reading sight words on her own and is now sounding out words and actually reading them. She is also sounding out words and spelling them on paper! I worry this will happen with her. I will say that Megan is very confident because she knee and understood. If u skip kara and she doesn't understand everything, she might feel more cautious. I don't know... I hear ya though. When they start school its a whole other world. It pulls your heartstrings as well!
Vicky said…
I will be praying for the decision you and Michael have to make in the best interest of Kara. What a tough decision! What a blessed "problem" to have!
Anonymous said…
Will she learn to read in kindergarten? Here they do. Maybe once they start that, she won't be bored anymore. Prayers going up.