Last Week of November

Let me say, these nice, warm days this late in the year are delightful...until I see the abundance of bugs.  Particularly red wasps.  Please just die already wasps.  I'm done seeing you this year.

We had a nice week.  I am still processing the news from the college.  In fact, last night we were wrapping up Chapter 10 (of 12) for Spanish 2 and the work they were requiring from Kara is totally dumb.  Lots of memorizing for a test - no real learning of the language.  So, I called off Spanish 2!  We are done.  Kara is totally right when she says she needs to learn Spanish the way she learned English - by listening and talking.  So, we will bump up Spanish in this house - thank goodness for Spanish dubbing and Spanish subtitles on movies and tv shows!

I spent some time rearranging the homeschool room.  Between finishing up this school year and ordering books for next school year, I am drowning in books.  So, our room looks like it used to (with our desks side by side) because I need her set of drawers.  (I should mention - I need the third set of drawers because I do my bills there, I do my Bible study there, and do all my church work there.)  I can't focus well or work my best unless I'm in a neat environment, so I need it all put away.  While I was doing that, I went ahead and went through all the drawers and cleared out a lot.  Usually I do that in between school years when we have that week off, but it made sense to do it yesterday.

Kara has been on dishes duty this week.  She was blowing through drinking cups instead of rinsing one and reusing it (which is how we do it in this house), which created extra work for me as the dish washer.  After being asked to keep it to one cup, she used four again.  So, this week she is washing dishes.  I'm fine with her using the dishwasher, but she has to do it all.  Wow, this is so nice to not do dishes!  The question is, how do I get her to do dishes all the time and not make her feel like it's a punishment.  ;-)

Today is the day I must make Kara some no-bake cookies.  Wednesday morning she took her first Geometry test and got a very high grade.  Our deal is 95% or higher on a big test means you get a treat of your choosing.

We don't have a lot of pictures this week because we made videos for the you tube channel.  There are two videos up with a third in the works.
