Cooking From My Pantry

I am going to see if I can get away with minimal November grocery shopping - just as a fun challenge for myself.  Not sure if that is a good idea since so many yummy things like stuffing and chicken stock and butter and sugar and flour are the cheapest all year right now.

For now, I am meal planning from my awesome pantry and only putting things like milk, bread, fruit, and veggies on my shopping list.

So, Monday I baked chicken tenderloins with a sauce that you could barely taste - that recipe will not go into the rotation.  I also made a cheesy pasta with broccoli from one of those Knorr sides I bought at Publix half off.  That was dinner for Michael and I, plus leftovers for lunch.  (I forgot to take pictures though!)

Tuesday we went out to dinner with my parents and Wednesday we went out to dinner because it is church night.  What a fun week!

Today is Thursday and I made steak, salad, and tortellini.

This was that fresh tortellini I got at Publix half off.  It was
really good!  I made a quick sauce that was a little too
thick, but super yummy.

I ended up putting the steak on my salad and
having the tortellini on the side.

I'm nice and full now, but will probably dip into that Ben & Jerry's ice cream I got from Publix after Kara and I do some school tonight.  :-)
