Target and Sam's Club 11-9-18, ALDI and Publix 11-10-18

Friday my mom and I went to Huntsville for lunch and some grocery shopping.

At Target I picked up a few fun little things like shampoo and lip gloss, and I picked up these groceries.

peanut butter - $5.59
loaf of bread - $1.09
total for Target - $6.68

No matter what I am trying with my pantry, we cannot be out of peanut butter any longer.

At Sam's club, I looked for a new jacket for Michael.  I found a bunch of sweatshirt/jacket options, and he liked all 4 of them, so we will keep them all.  Don't you love clothes shopping at Sam's?  The prices were so good!  All were $15, except one was $20.  Awesome.  Here are the groceries I got:

6.7 lbs chicken tenderloins - $17.96 (I'm thinking about cooking all of these and freezing them for quick meals) ($2.69 per pound is such a good price!)
2 pk peanut butter - $6.98 (wow, this is a much better price than Target!)
gallon of milk - $2.45
5 lbs clementines - $8.48
50 pk of hot chocolate - $5.98
total for Sam's - $41.85

Total for today - $48.53

Saturday I went grocery shopping with my sister and I ended up getting more goodies.

First was ALDI because their prices are so wonderful.

6 cans diced tomatoes - $0.45 each (I have so much Rotel, I needed these to make salsa)
6 butter - $2.29 each (I LOVE when butter goes on sale - I stock up)
beef ribs - $6.87 (Michael loves these and they are super easy in the crock pot)
beef ribs - $8.40
raw broccoli - $1.89 (in fridge already - oops!)
4 m&ms - $2.95 each (is that a good price??)
pads - $3.69
tortilla chips - $0.89 (for all that salsa!)
total for ALDI - $50.83

Then we did Walmart, where I got the applesauce in the above picture, fraternizing with the ALDI stuff.  Those were $1.98 each.
total for Walmart - $5.94

Then Publix!  Christina had a long list and we got the best deals we could.

2 finish dishwasher soap - $6.00 each (on sale half off)
ritz toasted pita crackers - $1.85 (on sale half off)
1 dozen eggs - $0.99 (believe it or not, they are cheapest at Publix!)
total for Publix - $14.84

So much for not shopping this weekend!!  lol!  Oh well.  Maybe next week.

Total for this week:
Target - $6.68
Sam's - $41.85
ALDI - $50.83
Walmart - $5.94
Publix - $14.84
total - $120.14

I love having these posts to look up prices while I'm at stores to see how much things cost - that way I know what is a good deal, and what isn't!
