College News

I finally contacted the local community college that I think Kara will attend when it is time.  I asked:

 * What SAT/ACT scores they require
 * What GPA they require
 * How many (and which) high school credits they require

Y'all.  They said they have open enrollment, which means anyone who has money can come.  There are NO requirements.  I'm pretty sure I will still have Kara take the SATs and/or the ACTs.  (Especially since I just bought books on them!)  But there is no pressure.

And we will NOT be taking Economics in high school.

I don't really know where to go from here just yet, but I know I will be teaching her history in a much more creative way (to make sure she actually learns instead of passes the test).

Earth Science may get cut.  Not sure.

Math won't change at all.  We are still going strong with that.

So, she can attend the community college at any time, and once she has her associates degree, she can move on to a four year university with her degree and college GPA.  They won't care what her high school GPA was or what her test scores were.

This is a game changer, my friends.
