Quick School Update

How much do you love scrolling through Pinterest?  These crack me up because they are so true!

School is going really well for us these days.  Kara just finished her Writing curriculum.  We stopped doing writing prompts and just worked through the book.  Next week, she will finish her Algebra 2 book (we are saving Trigonometry for after Geometry).  Right before Christmas, she is on track to finish Spanish and History.  Then two weeks after that she could be done with Astronomy and Bible History!

I think we will take a week off, then start 9th grade (ish) in mid-January.  Finishing up a school year and starting a new year is always SO EXCITING for a teacher.  Well, it is for this teacher anyway!!  I have next year all planned, but I just need to order a few more books.

Side note:  Parks and Recreation is one of
the best shows ever.  If you haven't watched
it yet, watch it now.  It's on Netflix.

I will do a separate post with all my plans for next year, but for now I'm just so glad to be in a good groove.  A few subjects were too easy for her, but that is okay because it balanced out the really tough courses she took.

After this year, she will have 5 credits toward her high school diploma.  One proud mama, right here.

This year she took courses for grades 8-11.  Next year she will too!  We're all over the place, and it's wonderful.
