Dentist, Voting, and a Trapped Kitty

This morning I got up super early (well, it was 7, but that is super early for me!) and got my filling at the dentist.  I was nervous there might be an issue and I'd be out of town if I needed it fixed, so I went ahead and filled it today instead of right before Thanksgiving.  The dentist office has so many wonderful people who are happy to move appointments, the hygienist helped me not be nervous by explaining stuff and just talking to me in general while I waited for the novocain to kick in, and the dentist who did the work is so nice and funny.  Now I'm waiting for feeling to come back in my lip.

While I was out, I went ahead and swung by the community center to vote.  That took like a minute.  #countryliving

We had bad weather last night.  We had a tornado threat, but they stayed north and west of us.  I did wake up this morning to find this guy hanging out on our window trying to stay safe.  Look how huge he is compared to the size of my hands!

Shiloh has been missing for a few days.  I know outdoor cats do this sometimes, but she never has.  I have been worried about her, but I know she is an excellent hunter so surely she has found plenty to eat in the forest.

This morning I forgot something and had to run back home.  I parked in the driveway instead of pulling into the garage and heard howling.  I turned to see Shiloh trapped in the boat garage!!  I freed her and gave her some food.  I will be feeding her all day long.  Poor girl.  It is Tuesday and I think she got trapped in there on Saturday.  That is so long to go without food and water.  Poor baby.  I sat out on the porch and pet her for a solid hour while she purred and purred.

We will do school out there soon, and spend even more time with her.  I feel so badly for her!  I searched the roof to see if she was stuck up there, but didn't think to search the boat garage.  We rarely ever go out there.

Speaking of searching the boat garage, Kara and I will need to head out there today to check for "spots."  In all those days, surely Shiloh had to relieve herself.  Blech.
