Dentist Surprises

Kara and I went to the dentist last week.

Kara was with my mom earlier that day, so she dropped
her off at the dentist.  I texted my mom this picture to
tell her I got Kara and we were good to go.
Will she ever stop ruining pictures?  Still better
than the duck face!!

I have my first real cavity.  Bummer!  My gums have receded and the new part of the tooth exposed has a cavity.  I asked if my gums receded because I brush too hard (because I have been really trying to go lighter), and she said no, it's because I'm old!  She was very sweet about it, but as you get older, your gums naturally recede.  Well, one more thing to add to the long list of new ailments I have been experiencing over the last year or two as I am now in my LATE thirties.

Meanwhile, Kara's teeth are insanely straight (thank you Mamaw and Grandma for your good genes), but she has one tooth up top that hasn't come down because of crowding.  That tooth really has to come down, so we are going to watch it.  (My teeth used to be very crowded and they have straightened quite a bit on their own - I hope that happens for her too.)  If it doesn't come down on her own, she will need braces.  It's not the end of the world, but she has such naturally straight, white teeth, I'm hoping she can skip braces.

I just realized my appointment to work on my cavity is the day before we head out of town for Thanksgiving.  Hmmm.  I see that as a possible cause for anxiety if something goes wrong, so I think I'll reschedule to set myself up for anxiety success.
