The Movers Came

First things first, I just got the email from the realtor that the buyers got their loan and we're actually closing on the house Friday morning!  That is so great!

Today started out hectic.  Getting everything ready for the movers to come took some work.  Mostly, I had to move things I didn't want them to take out of the way.

Then they got here and I sat around.  The first hour or two, it was SO NICE to sit.  I read some of my book.  I stared out the window.  I just sat.  It was divine.  But, then I couldn't sit still when I had something I could be doing.  So, I went and got lunch.  Then when they were done packing upstairs, I vacuumed the rooms.  And baseboards.  And doors.  And walls.  And HVAC intakes.  All in all, those rooms are DONE.  Then we went to my parents house to get the furniture I had there.  I was done after that, but I am exhausted.  And a lot of stuff is sore.  :-/

(Thank you Mom for dinner again!)

But, let's look at some pictures of them emptying the house.  Is that weird that I wanted to post these?  Oh well.  Tomorrow's post will be more fun because I will post clean, empty rooms.

The company said they would be here between 9 and 11.
Of course I was ready by 8:50, so I was glad to see them
pull up at 9:15.
They backed that big truck all the way down my street!

This is what we did the first two hours.
It was very hot today and very humid, so the guys needed a break to rehydrate every hour.  That's when I snuck around and took pictures.

Wow, they made progress!  This is our bedroom - it just has
the upstairs beds' mattresses and box springs.

Michael's office is done too.

He's keeping this stuff to work/play on.

Home school room.  I'm sad to say goodbye to this room.

Kara's room.  I'm sad to see this empty too.  Last time it was
empty, we were moving in and my dad was painting it
purple because it was Kara's nursery.  And her crib was in
there.  And our rocking chair.  And.  And.  And.

They got a lot done in the dining room so far!
Did you see how they wrapped each dining room chair on the left there?  They padded and wrapped every single thing for us.  There's NO WAY I would have wanted to do that and load everything on a U Haul myself.  I did enough of this process myself (packing the boxes) - they are well worth the money we spent.

"Sitting room" is done.  There were loads of boxes before.
Loads.  That's a very specific number.

Family room is almost done here.

Look at that garage.  Very nice!

They are done with most of the first floor by now.

The floors are INCREDIBLY dirty.  They turn my feet black.
Why is this?  I am going to clean them asap tomorrow.
Today I only had energy to vacuum the second floor.

Family room

Family room

Darkened floors.  What a difference!

They covered the banisters to protect them.

They also covered the doors.

We did more of this.

Basement is looking good!

Almost there.

This room is done.

Now that the movers have taken 95% of our stuff, I have kept 5% and am setting it up to make the next few days livable.  It's my job to keep this place feeling like a home even during the transition.  That means air mattresses, toiletries, food, and pillows.  I know how to create a cozy environment.  ;-)

Tomorrow is cleaning day!  I bet I could do it all myself, but I SO DON'T WANT TO.  lol.  My mom is coming to help, and Stacie is going to scrub my showers for me.  Bless their hearts!

Switch gears with me.

I saved this for the end to see if you were still reading.

Bert sent me this picture and asked me a bunch of questions about plumbing.  I can't wait to be done with Maryland and focusing on Alabama.  :-)

We will paint these to look like cedar, even though they're not.  Cool!


Vicky said…
ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)