Another Day

Well, the plumber came by at 8am to approve our sump pump system and officially write up responses to all of the inspector's complaints.  If they walk away from this house because of a perfectly perfect sump pump system, they're nuts!

Then I packed a bunch of boxes - maybe 6.

I worked on the phone making calls to our moving company.  I told them I can't be in Alabama to receive our household goods on August 1st, so instead of saying they would be there somewhere between August 1-10, could they say somewhere between August 3-10.  Then I resigned all the new paperwork and felt better about that.

But then I wondered if the plumber should have found something to fix to make the buyers feel better.  I just couldn't get out of the stress in my own head.

So, my mom stopped by for a while.  I told her to talk about her dentist appointment and talk about health insurance that we need to work on after we move, just anything else other than selling this house.  It was a great distraction.  She also looked around the house with me to give me a chance to see how much is done and feel good about how much I've packed.  She also helped me load furniture into my trunk that I am returning to a friend tomorrow.

After she left, I sat around for a few hours getting more and more stressed, wishing Michael would come home.

Then he did.  And he smiled.  And we joked.  And he hugged and kissed me.  Much better.

I told him I was over my limit of things I could handle.  The HVAC guys would be coming soon, could he please deal with them for me while I go have dinner at my mom's house?  I had the inspection report on the counter - I needed them to address everything in the report related to the HVAC system.  He is a great man who always helps me when I ask (I just wait way too long to admit I need help), so he was happy to do it for me.  Or he did it for me, not sure about the happiness.  ;-)

Dinner with my mom while we watched Gilmore Girls.  Bliss.  I unclenched.  I unwound.  I de-stressed.  There are no boxes there.  Their dishes aren't packed.  She had a fridge full of food.  Everything was put away.

Then I got the text from Michael that all is well with our HVAC system and they answered all of the inspector's complaints.

Feeling much better.

Then the realtor calls and says she hasn't heard from the buyers, but can I be home TOMORROW for a noon appraisal.  Uh, no, I am too busy!  Mom to the rescue.  She can let the appraiser in.  Oh, and hopefully the house comes back worth what the buyers agreed to pay us or the deal falls through.  And hopefully the appraiser comes back in time because that could delay settlement.


So I come home to Michael who hugs me again (I never get two hugs in one day) and he says, "why are you worrying about something that hasn't happened yet?"  Well, that is a super logical way to look at it!  Then we decide to watch our favorite show, even though we are out of free ones.  And just like that, I'm feeling better.

I really hate that we are signing papers to sell this house 16 days from now and I still don't know if it's going to happen.  So much up in the air.

But this is what I know.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"  Matthew 6:26

God cares a lot about me.  And He cares about us selling our house.  He called us to move and He will sell our house.  That's huge.  He isn't up in heaven, too busy to care about my house.  Too busy to care about my feelings.  He cares about every little thing I am thinking, saying, doing.

That's huge.  And comforting.


Vicky said…
Song lyrics to comfort you (especially verse 2):

His Eye is on the Sparrow
1. Why should I be discouraged and why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home?
When Jesus is my portion, a constant Friend is He,
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
2. Let not your heart be troubled; these tender words I hear;
And resting on his goodness I lose my doubts and fears;
For by the path He leadeth but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
3. Whenever I am tempted; whenever clouds arise;
When songs give place to sighing; when hope within me dies;
I draw the closer to Him; from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
I sing because I'm happy;
I sing because I'm free;
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me