Meanwhile, Here in Maryland

All that glorious building is being done in Alabama.  It's so pretty to look at, isn't it?

Meanwhile, here in Maryland, we are ready for the movers to come tomorrow.  Let's look at more pictures around the house.

The basement hasn't changed much - I started there, so I finished pretty early down there.  This is the last little corner I had to do.


The stack of boxes near the kitchen has grown

Everything is out of the pantries and ready to go

STUFF is out on the counter.
I hate it, but it needs to be set aside
and nothing is allowed back in the
drawers. I'm mean.

There's a lot more boxes in the family room too.

TV is down, all is packed.

All closets, drawers, shelves, etc. look like
this.  This is the pantry.

Kara's room.  Suitcase packed.  Hanging clothes are to be
worn this week.

Bare walls.
I've done a lot in the homeschool room.


These have our air mattresses in them.
The homeschool books are in the suitcase.

Michael's office.

More office.  Hoodies, beach towels,
and comforter are set aside for Michael
to pack his computer equipment in.

The office closet looks a little different.  I have 3 big suitcases for the movers to take.  And that cot in the background too.

Linen closet

My closet looks a little different.  Again, the only clothes left I will be wearing this week.



More of my closet

The boxes have grown in my room.

Hi Kara!

More boxes

Stuff laying everywhere.  Our sheets, pillows, and blanket
will go in those clear bins with no lids.  And there is my

Overnight bags for the hotel are already packed.
And there is a bin of cleaning supplies for Thursday.

On today's list:
 * dentist
 * buy "Home" movie for Kara to watch on the trip
 * bank
 * pack silverware
 * clean out-of-town-friend's gerbil cage
 * take one last look around and see if anything else needs to be packed
 * move stuff I don't want movers to take into closets and label them "do not pack"

Feeling good!
