Setting a Plan

I found out our closing is scheduled for 10am on the 31st.  All of this up in the air, which I don't do well with, but have been struggling to be cool with, is starting to fall into place:
 * We sold the house.
 * We know how much we will make on the sale.
 * Michael's job approved him leaving August 1 instead of September 1.
 * We know who our movers will be and how much it will cost and what day they are coming.
 * We know what day we sign the papers.
 * We know how the inspection went and what they want us to fix.
 * We now know what time the closing will be, so we can plan our trip south.
All of that was up in the air before, which is why packing my boxes was a great help - with all of that unclear, it brought me great comfort to know exactly what was in each box of mine, I watched it get packed, and had all of that under control.  (Btw, if we were unpacking all boxes at the rental or going straight to the big house, I probably would have just hired the guys to come pack for me - it was surprisingly inexpensive!  But I needed to pack with a purpose so I could leave as many boxes as possible unpacked.)

Of course, all of that set in stone means it's even more real.  I have about 3 thousand emotions going on about that.  :-)

So, assuming we sign the papers from 10am to about noon, we are going to start driving to Alabama around 1 or 2.  I found a hotel 7 hours away, where we stayed before, that is free (thanks to my discover points).  So, if we get on the road early, Kara can swim at the hotel.  If we get on the road late and there is traffic, we'll still be there before midnight.

The next morning we will have just over 3 hours of a drive to get to our rental house, which will be plenty of time to meet with the realtor to get the key, unpack all boxes and bins in our cars and boat, blow up the air mattresses and make our beds, start cleaning the rental, and check on the big house.

Did I mention I'm bringing my mommy with me?  With such a long drive and the emotions of it all, my dad and I thought it would be a great transition if my mom came with me.  While I'm physically capable of doing all of it without her, it would be so much easier, emotionally, for her to be there with me.  As my mom and my best friend.  And Kara's grandma!  Our first night in our rental house in our new town will feel like a home with her there.

This is shaping up to be a great plan!


Vicky said…
God is bringing all of the details together!
jeday0323 said…
Yes ma'am. It's miraculous!