Tuesday, July 21st

My Tuesday:

 * Woke at 8 or so - slept 9 hours.  This stress is exhausting me.  I am giving my body as much time as it needs to sleep.  It's what it needs to stay well.  I try to nap too.
 * Made a plan for the day.
 * Went to the restroom and brushed teeth.
 * Came out and found Kara in my bed around 9am, which is early for her.  She wet the bed this morning.  She has been dry for months on end, then one wet day.  Then another month or two goes by, then another wet day.  She'll get there.
 * Got pee clothes soaking in laundry detergent.
 * Ate breakfast.
 * Washed pee sheets, blankets, pillow cases, mattress pad, and all other clothes in the basket to make the loads full.
 * Called Alabama Electric company to make sure I knew exactly what they wanted so there will be no hiccups with electricity when we arrive August 1st.  I NEED a/c.
 * Called the bank to tell them that when my 6 month CD is up, I want the money put back in my account, not put into a new CD.  They kept a bunch of my money for 6 months and all I earned was $6.  Totally not worth it.  The stock market is way better.
 * Got ready.
 * Got Kara ready.
 * Switched the wash.
 * Packed a lunch for Kara and a snack for me.
 * Brought Kara to her friend's house from 12:30 to 4:30 (thank goodness for that sweet mom who has kept her several times!  Kara doesn't want to run errands with a stressed out mama - she wants to play with friends!)
 * Got my oil changed.  Read a good book on my phone while I waited.  Good thing - it took forever.
 * Home in time to run into mom.  She was dropping off my groceries.  Wow, I am going to miss that!  She sat for a bit while I ate a sandwich.  BEST part of my day.
 * Emailed Connie several times - the owners of the rental home still have to call the electric company to okay turning it on.
 * Folded clothes.
 * Made Kara's bed.
 * Deposited Kara's birthday check at the bank.
 * Got Electric company's paperwork notarized with Michael.  (*rolling my eyes again*)
 * No time for the post office.  I'll have to do it tomorrow.
 * Picked Kara up.  Traffic is building - it took forever.
 * Home in time for the contractor who will put in the railing for the buyers.  Gave them a pitcher of ice water and 4 cups.  They drank almost the whole thing.  Poor guys.
 * 2 hours and $300 later, the railing is there.  I am a little grateful it's ugly.  That is spite in my heart and I hate it.  I know I did the right thing and I am working on the spite.
 * Called the appraiser - the railing is in and he can come check it out when he's ready.  Does he think it will hold up closing?  He says no, he will be by sometime this week and his paperwork takes 30 minutes to complete.  Sounds good.
 * Texted the realtor - the railing is done and I called the appraiser.  What did the termite guy say?  No answer.
 * Ate leftovers for dinner with Michael while we watched a tv show.
 * Dishes, Kara's dinner, scrub the sweet tea gunk out of Michael's travel cup.  (What IS that gunk and why does it build up like that?)
 * It's 7:50 and I'm watching my tv show looking at tomorrow's plan.

Just realizing that I haven't had to do much with the big house in a while.  I have a feeling I'll have a bunch waiting for me when I get there.  Sounds great at this point!

I'm tired.  I will enjoy some rest this evening before we start over tomorrow.  Hopefully I sleep 9 hours again.

All this busy means no time for anxiety.  Yesterday was my first anxiety hiccup, but today I am back to being fine.  Leave it to God to use everything (positive or negative) for His purpose, which is good.  Praise Him!


Unknown said…
Loved all the details!!!! Made me feel like we were having coffee together and you were "talking!" Also, love that you are still calling it the Big House! LOL! Thinki g of you behind bars in your fabulous new house! :)
Unknown said…
Loved all the details!!!! Made me feel like we were having coffee together and you were "talking!" Also, love that you are still calling it the Big House! LOL! Thinki g of you behind bars in your fabulous new house! :)