
Remember how I said I felt like a juggler of 27 balls?  Well, today I started making phone calls getting the utilities set up.  Let's make that 35 balls.

First I canceled our internet/cable/phone.
Then I set up our new internet/cable/phone.
Then I canceled our gas and electric.
Then I canceled our water.
Then I set up mail forwarding.

Then I called the water company for our new house in Guntersville and told them we are moving to a rental across town and I need the water turned on for that house.  They said they don't cover that side of town, so I have to call someone else.  I said who and they said Guntersville water.  I googled Guntersville water, called the number on the website, and they said they were the garbage service.  (That is a misleading website, but I digress.)  While I'm on the phone with them I can set up for that.  (Btw, garbage is included with taxes here in Maryland, so I never would have known to turn this on.)  Then I have to call someone else to find out when our garbage days are.  Then I ask who on earth do I call for my water, and they gave me a name and a number.  I called them and they said we have to be there in person to open an account so they can turn it on.  And they're open Monday - Friday only.  Well, since I'm in Maryland and arriving in town on Saturday, we will need water before Monday.  They agreed to "unlock" the water on Friday, but we will have to turn our own water on Saturday.  I need this to be Michael's job.  Then I'll go to their office in person on Monday.


Then I called the electric company for our new house and they don't cover the rental across town either.  So I ask who that should be.  They gave me a name and number.  I get started with them but also say I need to be there in person.  I just went through that with the other company.  Can't you send me the paperwork, have me sign it and send it to you?  Nope.  We don't do that.  Let me let you talk with my supervisor.  That goes to voice mail.  I leave a message and get in the shower.  Of course she calls during the shower.  I call her back and she gets all personal information I have, just shy of my blood type, and says we have to sign and notarize paperwork she is sending me and I have to mail a check in advance.  The problem is our lease starts August 1, which is a Saturday, and they're closed Saturday, so I need to ask my landlords to call them and give permission to let them turn it on the day before.

I'm tired.

I'm really tired.

I need to drop Kara off at her play date and shop at Target for a while.  Oh, and I need to get something at Staples too, so that will be a nice afternoon.  By myself.  I miss shopping, so this will be nice.

Then, while juggling those 35 balls in the air, I get another plate thrown at me.

My realtor calls and says the buyers are very upset about the sump pump and they looked for a solid hour at it while they were here for the inspection and they are thinking about walking away from the deal just because of that.  My realtor says to get a plumber in here to address their concerns in writing.  Great.  Because I have plenty of time and energy for that.  I already have the HVAC guys coming tomorrow, so that's a great time for the plumber to come.  Let's get everything "blessed" so the first time home owners will know this house is fabulous.  There is no way to guarantee that nothing will break ever - they will need to learn this when they own a house.

Now I'm all freaked out while bringing Kara to the play date.  I really don't want to put the house back on the market.  My realtor assures me that if we have to, it'll get a contract on it just as fast, even with it empty.  She's not worried a bit.  Well, I am.  I'm done with this house.  I don't know what to do but sing praises to God.  No matter what happens, He is good, He is faithful, and nothing changes that.  I can't even ask him for help yet, I just need to sing hymns I know praising Him.  We'll get to the "HELP!" prayer later.

At Target I try to unwind, but then I get phone calls about our internet/cable/phone not being set up right and I have to call back and start all over with that.

I give up.

Everyone has that fight or flight instinct.  Mine is flight.  And I want to run away.  Hard.  I need help. I need someone to help me with this burden of moving.  I'm just one person!

God is good.  I know this.  He is in control.  I know this too.  Being reminded of that actually doesn't help.  Being reminded of that makes me feel like you don't think I know it.  I just needed to vent here.  Please let me.  This is what I need to hear, "Yes, moving is hard.  It's okay."


Vicky said…
I H.A.T.E. to M.O.V.E.!!!!!!!!!
jeday0323 said…
Perfect comment! Thank you for the empathy, mom!