I love the way God works.

So, this is what happened.

I spent the day at Lara's house.  She is building a house and is about a thousand steps ahead of me.  I got to help them figure out their bathroom tile layout and help them pick out drawer pulls in their kitchen.  It was a BLAST.  It was also a great distraction.  Lara made lots of good food and I ate and ate and ate.  I am always hungry these days and always have zero energy to cook.  So, I eat an apple for dinner.  Or crackers and peanut butter.  This meal was great.

I left her house by myself (Kara wanted to do a sleepover) around 8pm and had the hour drive home to think and pray.

I tried to avoid the whole move topic, but God wanted to talk with me about it.

So, I prayed and prayed.  I said, "you know what?  God, I really wanted to move from Maryland to Alabama with our house here sold so it would be neat and tidy and I could just focus on all the Alabama stuff.  But, I know you, Lord.  I know you and love you.  And you don't always work in neat and tidy ways.  I want your will in all of this, so if you decide to not make this neat and tidy because that is your plan, then it's fine with me.  You are calling us to move and you will sell our house.  We live in a great area where houses fly off the market.  If you made the rain fall so much that it broke records in June, causing the puddle in the yard, causing them to freak out about the sump pump system, causing them to walk away from the contract, then it was your will and I'm cool with that.  Your bigger plan must need different people living in our sweet house.  I trust you and am totally fine with them walking away, if you guide them to that."

3 seconds later I checked my email and the realtor said they signed off on the home inspection.

And I sobbed HARD for 5 solid minutes.

I cried because of the relief.

Because God loves working like this and He is so good!

Because I am so stressed it's exhausting me and I was a little delirious.

Because a good cry lets all the emotions out and the release felt so good.  (*See the movie Inside Out - if you just cry and be sad for a minute, you feel better and can bring on the joy.*)

So, the contract the buyers put on our house is contingent on the home inspection and the VA loan.  The home inspection is done, now we wait for the VA loan.  Which could take 2 weeks to hear back about.  Which means it could hold up settlement.  Which means we could be in Alabama already by the time we hear back from them.  Michael says, "that won't happen."  Every time I say, "but, but", he says, "it's not going to happen.  Our house is perfect, it'll appraise for higher than they are asking, it's going to be perfect."  He's a good man.


Vicky said…
I love that man of yours! He knows just how and when to say the perfect things! Love you all!
jeday0323 said…
I love him too!!! Just being in the same house with him makes me so happy.

Yes, he's been married to this crazy lady long enough that he knows just what to say. :-)