The Inspection....dun dun DUN

Yesterday we left the house at 12:45 so the house would be empty for the 1:30 inspection.  When we pulled out of the driveway, I saw a white work truck with a guy sitting in it on the street.  I think that's the inspector, but can't be sure.  I'm hoping maybe he can get started before the buyers come.

Kara and I went to see a movie.

When our movie was done, I swung by the house around 3:30 to see if they were still there.  I couldn't be sure, but that same white work truck was still there and there was a car with out of state plates parked across the street and I've never seen it before.  In case that was them, I hid out at my parent's house.

By 4:45, Kara and I headed home, assuming 3 hours was enough time for the inspection, and I walked in the house with people in it!  Okay, I guess the inspection is still going on.  Their realtor was.....not charming *ahem* and said they still had to do upstairs.  The inspector has been here since 12:45 and still hasn't done upstairs.  Okey dokey!  Let me run some milk to the fridge and go back to my parents house.  They said they still needed another hour or so.  I said no problem.  Then a pretty lady in a military uniform peeked her head around the corner, smiled, and gave me a super enthusiastic wave.  She is the buyer!  Oh, I wanted to go give her a hug!  This house means so much to me.  We lived some of the most important years of our lives here - the years when Kara was 7 months old to 9 years old.  Her first steps were here, she was potty trained here, she learned to read here, we started homeschool here, she was saved here, and the list keeps on going.  Not to mention I've never lived in any house so long in my life.  This house is so special and I am so happy to pass it on to another family and I pray their lives here are just as happy and blessed.  Anyway, I gave her a big smile and enthusiastic wave right back and headed out the door.  At this point we still have negotiations to make and it's unprofessional for us to know each other face to face.

Michael came home around 5:45 and said they were still there, which was annoying for him after a long day at work.  I asked him to text me when they left so I could come home and at 6:15 he said they just left.

Wow.  That's a whole lot of inspecting.

I really do think there are a few things around here that could use fixing, but nothing earth shattering - nothing that would cause them to drop the contract, which is really the only thing I dread.  I know, I know, God is in control of this whole thing.  I just HOPE He has already decided that this is the contract that will go through and we don't have to start over.  After all, I really need to make another trip to Alabama soon to approve the framing on the house, and I'd rather just use the move there since we are going anyway.

So, Michael knows just what to say to me.  And his calming demeanor has me listening to him more than anyone.  He said he remembered checking the temperature, water level, etc. of every toilet.  Checking the force of the air, the temperature, etc. of each and every vent.  Each fuse has to be tested.  Each outlet.  And so on.  He said it's a very long process and they were very thorough.

Then this morning I remember they wanted to get the chimney inspected and do a radon inspection and a few more inspections.  No wonder it took so long.

So, now we wait and see what their list of demands are.  Our realtor already said that we do not have to change/fix anything cosmetic.  We only need to fix things like our one leaky window.  It could use re-caulking.  (The window is fine, the frame just leaks - it's underground.)  Our window in the dining room that is foggy is a sign it needs replacing, but she says the foggy window is a cosmetic thing and we won't be fixing that.

I hate negotiating big things like this.  I hate conflict.  I'm so glad I have a realtor that will do it for me, but I still don't like it.  And I have Michael in the background saying he doesn't want to fix a single thing for them - we are already paying so much for their closing costs.

And I'm human so I'm not a fan of waiting.  ;-)

I'll let you know what we hear!


Vicky said…
I agree with Michael! You are paying CRAZY closing costs.....I wouldn't fix a thing, either! And, I'm human, too! :D