Getting Started

After I got home, it was time.

My computer room has been the catch all since before the renovation.

It still has old curtains, clothes to donate, etc. in there.

I can't believe I'm going to show you this.


This is what it looked like. don't judge!

Of course, it was eating away at my brain from across the house, but I left it like that on purpose.  It's good for me to see life goes on, even when things are disorderly.  I even left it like that while the house was being appraised and it came back much higher than expected - take that OCD brain!

Okay, but after our vacation, I was ready to start planning for next school year.  Kara is getting older and requested a bigger kid table for her desk this year.  Since she doesn't care if it's new, I pulled the table that was holding the printers into the home school room, rearranged the computer room, and this is what it looks like now.

Ahhhh.  My OCD brain does feel much better.  Michael was so sweet and thanked me for cleaning it.  Wow.  Maybe he did care that it was a mess.......NAH!  :-)

So, the last few days I've been working on lesson plans.  I pulled the state curriculum documents from the internet months ago, went through it all over the period of a whole weekend, highlighting what we need to do this year, and now it's time to do something with all of that.

(Since we are going to do third grade next year and second grade was from the Abeka curriculum, I went ahead and printed both second and third grade requirements for the state to make sure Kara doesn't miss anything.)

I got myself a notebook and started writing in what we need to do, arranged by subject.

Of course I have pages and pages of stuff for English.  I have several pages for Math, Science, and Social Studies, but Music, Art, Health, and P.E. are pretty light.

Truth be told, I can teach Kara anything on earth that I want, as long as we do the subjects I just listed.  We could do kindergarten level stuff, or college stuff.  And they don't care how many days, how many hours a day, or anything.  It's a little scary, but with my personality, I think we can handle this kind of learning (making our lesson plans as we go vs buying a curriculum in a box that has it all done for us).

I'm excited to get started!  I've done the first three weeks of lesson plans.

As you can see, each week we plan to get loads of books based on a certain topic, and make that our reading, writing, and pull our spelling and vocabulary from there.

Then I pulled a bunch of info from the internet so I'll be ready for health and art and science - the rocks and soil lesson anyway.


Then I worked on things to hang up on our walls.  Fiction vs Non-Fiction, 4 types of sentences, nouns, verbs, subjects, predicates.

Oh yeah.  I'm soooo thrilled for third grade.  This stuff is so awesome.  :-)  Making our own curriculum is going to be better for Kara (who doesn't like worksheets, which Abeka was made of), but loads more work for me.  Fortunately, I love it!  It's funny how that happens when it's something God's called you to.  :-)
