
If you've been reading my blog for long, you know moderation is something I struggle with.  I feel emotions extremely, I experience life extremely, I diet or overeat, I am lazy or exercise 6 days a week, I clean every day and don't like a speck of dirt in my house or I don't care at all and don't like company because of all the dirt.  Being moderate is very difficult for me, but is something I strive to be.  I live with Michael, who is the epitome of moderate.  It's nice because he's a great role model for me and because he doesn't experience those lows, but he never experiences highs.  That's really difficult to live with sometimes.  But, Michael is wonderful and I am grateful for the blessing he is - I love him good and bad, and I hope he'd say the same for me.

I have, over the last year, figured out moderation with diet and exercise, with God's help.  If I cut out all sugar, all trans fats, all fast food, etc, that's not realistic for me.  I feel too deprived, then I go crazy overcompensating for what I was missing.  Instead, I eat until I'm full (and I've been working hard retraining my "full button" to be triggered earlier than it used to), I eat food that is delicious and good for me, and it's all very moderate.  Lots of protein, veggies, fruit, dairy, carbs.  And some goodies in there too.  I basically eat pretty close to the food pyramid.  The trick is, if I'm really craving sweets one day, I eat a good amount, guilt-free, until I'm satisfied, and I really don't need any more for quite a while because I'm honestly happy.  Exercise is the same way.  I can't measure, count, time, weigh, etc.  I go CRAZY and get lost in the numbers.  Instead, I hike because it's fun, I go for walks with my friend after dinner because I love walking after dinner, I ride bikes with Kara, I help a friend move, I clean with purpose (which we all know can be a huge workout!).  I call it practical exercising and it feels so good.  My muscles are strong and my body can do what I need it to - carry Kara if she needs me to, help a friend move or clean, take care of my sister when she's not well, etc.

My friend read an article that said we were created to be active people.  That sitting for 23 1/2 hours and running on a treadmill for 1/2 and hour isn't so good for our bodies.  Back in the day, people worked the land, ran the house all day.  I know not everyone can do this because their job is at a desk, but I try taking stairs as often as possible, walking as often as possible, and stepping up to help as often as possible.  Just being active is what works for me.  My friend Kattrina, who may be reading this, loves running.  She takes breaks from her desk and runs at lunch and/or after work - with her doggie and baby.  It works for her and she stays active.  I love it.

Let me just say, some people are naturally more moderate people and dieting and exercising works for them.  After their little push to lose some weight, they slip right back into their moderate habits and are perfectly healthy all the live long day.  I just know myself, and I know I can't do that.

Living like this over the past year has helped the pounds come off and stay off.  And I don't feel like I'm "working."  I am a size 14/16.  If I killed myself, never ever ate birthday cake, chocolate, or anything with carbs, I might be a size 12.  But I'd have to take large amounts of time away from my family exercising too - every.  single.  day.  Is that lifestyle worth an extra size smaller?  Is it worth being 20ish pounds lighter?  I'm thinking no.  America would beg to differ.  We determine health with waist size.  Sometimes that's true, but sometimes it's not.  I had a full physical less than 6 months ago and I am extremely healthy.  Every single thing is right where it should be.  My doctor saw me twice in the last few months and is really happy with my weight.  She keeps saying how great I look and that I'm a good size/weight.

So, what do I want to teach my daughter?

 *  I want to teach her being active is fun.  It's good for our health.
 *  I want to teach her God's definition of beauty is different than America's definition of beauty.  Character matters WAY more than your dress size.
 *  I want to teach her moderation is awesome.  Food is delicious - salads are spectacular, and so are brownies.  Why can't we eat both?  Too many brownies hurt your tummy and give you pimples, but too much broccoli hurts your tummy too!!
 *  I want to teach her God trusts us with our bodies.  He wants us to take care of them.  Extreme dieting - like yo yo dieting, isn't good for your health - especially your heart.

The best way I know how to teach her this is to truly believe it myself and LIVE it.

Now, I need to let moderation in on other parts of my life.  The cleaning has been very moderate these days, which is so freeing.  But I have a ways to go in other areas.  God is good, He likes working with me, and He loves me despite the fact that I'm a work in progress.  :-)
