Day 1 - Flying to San Francisco

I'm going to post these one day at a time, like I did last time, because that helps me get the details and journaling right.  I hope you enjoy our trip, we sure did!  I even had a countdown app on my phone - here's the announcement for 1 day left!

The first day, Wed May 15th, we flew to California.  It's a 6 hour flight, direct from Dulles.  Since none of us are early risers, we booked the 3:45 flight.  We hired a taxi to drive us an hour to Dulles (since BWI 10 minutes away doesn't have direct flights), and got there in plenty of time.  It sure was nice to get ready in the morning peacefully, enjoy lunch, then head out on our trip.  :-)  (Not to mention, we needed to make sure the morning DC traffic had cleared here before the flight AND the evening San Francisco traffic had cleared out there.  Result for thinking ahead:  smoooooooth trip.)

Here we are on the plane:


 Do we look different?  This is us 3 years ago heading to CA!  Look how little my 3 year old girl is!

I had the window seat this year and it was clear skies all across the country.  I saw the green Appalachian mountains, the square flat farmland of the mid-west, the desert, and the rocky mountains.  Our country is breathtaking.

The pilot was able to "make good time" and we arrived a short 5 hours and 15 minutes after we left, earlier than anticipated.  Score.

The first thing we did after arriving in San Francisco and checking into our hotel was take a walk.  Our only stop:  The Chocolate Store.  Yum.

Even though the clock said 8pm, it felt like 11pm, and with the long flight, we were ti-red.  So, we went to sleep dreaming of all the fun things ahead of us.  :-)
