Catching up

Nothing much going on here.

Christina is doing better.  She has a long, difficult road ahead of her with less than 100% guarantee she'll actually heal, but her attitude is up and she's almost able to function.  Today we took her to Great Clips so they could wash her hair because it's too difficult to do it in the shower.  I dried it for her and curled it pretty so she'd feel a little closer to herself.

Kara and I have been relaxing the last few days in between me doing house chores.  We are watching Beethoven and Ice Age: Continental Drift.  Beethoven is that movie from when we were younger about the big saint bernard.  So cute.  Ice Age: Continental Drift is hilarious.  I crack up at the grandma sloth.  Of course the lady who does her voice (Wanda Sykes) is hilarious in just about everything.  I highly recommend it, I'm dying laughing.

Michael's working like crazy.  He just had a fishing tournament last weekend while I was on my retreat, and he came in second place.  Go Michael!  He said fishing was great and after this wicked cold spring, it's a relief for spawning season to finally start.

Refinancing the house is so much work.  But not very interesting, so let's move on.

The trip to California is right around the corner.  I'm working on figuring out what I'm going to wear while I'm there and I'm coming up with layers.  I may be wearing the same thing in every picture....

I'm heading to the doctor tomorrow.  I have eczema that won't go away.  Who cares right?  Well, it's on my eyelids.  Weird and gross.  I can't get it to go away and stay away, so I'm headed to get some meds.

"Summer vacation" is going really well.  We've been done with our worksheets for almost a month now and loving a more relaxed life.  Living with your teacher means school is never really done, but the worksheets and school books are put away.  :-)

And now you're caught up.  Sorry it's boring.

Go see Ice Age: Continental Drift.
