No news is good news

Well, I just don't have anything interesting to write about.  I finished up the paperwork on the refinance, the appraiser came, and that weight is off my mind for a while until the next step comes up, but I think I'm through the thick of it.

I ran a bunch of errands yesterday, in preparation for our trip - went to the post office since we're low on stamps, returned library books, etc.  Next step is make sure bills are taken care of - several are due while we're gone.  THEN clean the house for Michael, who will be home.  Fortunately, his standards aren't high - he just wants his underwear and favorite pants washed.  :-)

We are doing 2 play dates today, which were going to be before and after horse riding lessons, but the instructor is sick today and had to cancel, so I only have the 2 play dates.

Have a great Thursday everyone!
