
This weekend I went on a ladies retreat with my church.  It was so great!  Just a few pics...

Our room, which was surprisingly fantastic.  Clean, cool, warm, comfy beds, good water pressure in the shower, clean big bathroom, etc.

 Here's a view from our window.

 What do you name a coffee shop at a Christian retreat center?  HeBrews Coffee Shop!  lol.  :-)

 Stephanie and I went for a hike.  A loooooong hike.  It was so gorgeous and we really connected with God in his Creation.

 See the little guy in the middle?  No?  Me either, let me zoom in.

 I spent a significant amount of time watching this beautiful creature hang out.  He is even more amazing looking when he flies.

 I watched him from a dock in a pond.

 Here's my view from the dock.

Here's what I also watched for quite some time.

I highly recommend leaving your phone and watch behind for a few hours, watching birds, and looking at clouds more often.  I loved doing it as a kid and I love it even more now!!  Too bad it took getting away for the whole weekend to do it.  I'm going to try to do it more often, and you can hold me accountable to it.

God is good and I loved having a weekend away to chill and tell Him that.  We spent our time/studies figuring out what our spiritual gifts are and how to use them.  It was great do to this with my best friend because we helped each other answer our questions honestly.  Guess what my main one is?  Planning/Organizing/Coordinating.  Who knew that was a spiritual gift?  But it is.  Now I'm praying about how to start using this.  I'm thinking starting with small things/events is the way to go, but God will show me what He has in store for me!
