Monday, May 13th

What a day!

It started with waking early to count the tithe.  A job I absolutely adore.  Before I left the house, I threw a pot roast in the crock pot for the dinner after the meeting.  Counting the tithe went well, as usual.  We all agreed with our numbers and didn't have to go through and find any errors.  That's all God!  We used to mess up often, but now we all pray as a team before we begin and now it's rare.  Amazing.

Then I went to pick Kara up from my mom's house.  We went home to change into pottery clothes (aka clothes that can get stained with clay) and headed out to pottery class.  We got there nice and early, so I called my sister to see if I could take her to the doctor today instead of my mom.  My mom had so many other things to do and I missed seeing my sister anyway, so it was a win-win.

I went straight to Christina's house and had my mom pick Kara up from pottery later when she was done.  My sister was having a frustrating day, disappointed her feeding tube was clogged AGAIN - the third time in the last week.  (Apparently, they do that.  Some people are super blessed not to have issues, but hers has a little kink in the very end - inside end - but isn't worth replacing since she won't have it much longer.)  She was bummed and crying, to which I said we should cry and pray.  We need to admit that this stinks, we're not having fun, and be disappointed.  But then we needed to pray God would help us feel better even though we're bummed.  We needed to confess that we weren't feeling His love when we're soooo disappointed with so many setbacks.  God reassured us and rewarded us - while at the doctor (which didn't take too long - what a blessing!), he told her she can start drinking fluids.  Amazing!!  She has a cat scan Thursday to see how the duct is healing.  The cat scan from last Monday showed her pancreas was much, much better.

Christina has good days and bad days.  Today was frustrating at first, but she really pushed herself to do a lot, without overdoing it, and I'm so proud of her.  It was hard, I know, but she did great.  She's already lost 25 pounds and I haven't heard anything about her ankle in a while.  So impressed with that girl.

I came home to the tail end of the meeting and my mom had dinner ready - potatoes cooked and bread warming in the oven.  Yummmmm.

After dinner and dishes, I looked through all my hotels/flights/etc. and made sure everything is in order.  I also requested a roll away cot for Kara for the hotel rooms.  Some hotels didn't offer that!  So glad I knew in advance!  I ended up getting another room for those hotels.  We absolutely can NOT sleep with Kara.  She sleeps fine, even when she falls out of bed,  but the other person is kicked, poked, and sleep-talked to all night.

I'm feeling better and settled about all of it.  Tomorrow is going to be a super laundry/packing day.  And we'll squeeze in a horse riding lesson at 10:30.  :-)

Ahhhhhh.  Feeling so good and so organized....and in control.
