Regular life

Well, nothing can top that last post! I've been spending the last few days like I've been spending the last few years - cleaning, getting out of cooking dinner, and taking care of Kara and Michael.

Michael's new company is really coming along. I think their schedule of starting in September is pretty close. Between Michael and my dad, they are both extremely hard workers who know how to make it happen!

Kara is doing well. She's getting ready for school, and is really excited. She was chomping at the bit to go make new friends at the table next to us at the restaurant the other night. I explained to her that pretty soon she could go to school, where she could make new friends and she got sooooo excited. :-) Tomorrow is her doctor's appointment where we do all the paperwork for school.

And me? I'm up to my old tricks - redoing the family room, organizing Kara's closet, and making new plans for a whole list of new recipes. Not to mention I have two parties planned I will be hosting. I'm volunteering more and more at church these days, now that I know Kara will be at school soon. It feels nice to have the toys out of my living room, sippy cups out of my kitchen, and I'm starting to get my life back. Kara will share priority #1 with Michael for the rest of my life, but we're leaving babyhood behind and it's feeling pretty good. (Don't get me wrong, if Michael ever changed his mind and wanted another baby, I'd SO be up for it! Lol!)

I hope you're all having a great Sunday, I know I am!


Kattrina said…
Do share the new recipes!! I have a feeling our husbands like similar food. I bought The Pioneer Woman's cookbook and it's filled with delicious ranch-style (as in cows, not ranch dressing) meals and everything is YUMMY. We should share good recipes because I'm getting tired of my old ones!
Anonymous said…
I was always SO sad to leave all that behind! Still am!
Vicky said…
While I didn't cherish the idea of being pregnant again, even tho I had absolutely no problems and went natural with all but Nat (only because they tied my tubes immediately after birth)I could have been very satisfied to have more kids! But after not having any more, it would not be fun to do now! :) I surely DO miss all my babies being home!