Good day, 8/10/10

Today started off with a play date with two of my friends, Stephanie and Heather. I had a great time reconnecting with them after not seeing them for about a month (except Kara's birthday party, where I was a bit busy). It was really fun to find out Stephanie is pregnant - something she and her husband have been wanting for a long time. God is so good! After that ended (their kids needed naps around noon), I headed over to play date #2 at Merideth's house with Joy. Man, it was a good day! I got to bring Kara's old crib to Merideth's house and put it together one final time. Seeing her so excited to have her baby girl just makes me so happy to give her my crib. Kara was always a big sleeper, so that crib held my precious baby like 14 hours a day for the first couple years of her life - just giving it away would have been sad, but bringing it to my friend's house and setting it up myself was very special for me. Tomorrow I am bringing over a whole trunkful of clothes - that little girl will be stylin! (Thanks Liz again for the hand-me-downs - they're making their way through several friends!!) :-)

After all that fun at my play dates, I didn't feel like cooking so I picked up Subway on the way home. I moved some furniture (Kara's room), did a load of laundry, vacuumed, had a bath with Kara, and loaded LOTS of boxes of clothes in the trunk. I also put the finishing touches on my sister's bridal shower invitations (which took like four hours - my hand hurts!) and I'm one stamp short! I hope I don't regret inviting 43 women to my house. Of course I'm assuming several people won't show up.

Kara's asleep, Michael just finished cutting his hair and is getting ready to sleep, so now it's time to say good night!


Vicky said…
Hand me downs are the BEST!