The food was a great success. The spinach mushroom pinwheels were amazing (of course, I added bacon, garlic, and a bunch of spices), but they were super pretty and delicious. Next time I'm using pie crusts instead of making my own dough - I couldn't tell the difference between the two. Also, the chocolate hazelnut twists were AMAZING! The cheeseball and pretzel salad flopped, but that's okay - more leftovers for me. :-) The meatballs were really good, but next time I won't use Gorgonzola cheese - not enough people are blue cheese fans. These are all recipes I'm putting on the list for Christina's bridal shower.

It was a great time and I'm so sad to have to say goodbye to one of my girlfriends.

Today has been relaxing. After church I spent an hour visiting with my grandfather, who is leaving on Tuesday. So, Kara and I said goodbye. Then I ate lunch and talked with Michael for a while. Then I worked on laundry while Michael and Kara both slept, and watched HGTV. Good stuff! It's so nice to relax at home.
